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We can offer a wide range of interesting books and magazines about Seashells - enjoy your browse! All prices are quoted in Australian $ (AUD), not incl. GST.

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Auger Shells - Handbook of the Gastropod Family Terebridae

by Lorenz & Terryn, 2024, A4 hardcover, 0.5kg AUD 90.00 (+GST)

NEW: Discussing and illustrating 510 species of the beautiful family of Terebridae from the tropical / subtropical marine regions of the world on 76 pages (Part 5 in the "Molluscan Science" series). Terebras are some of the most distinctive Gastropod seashells with gorgeous patterns and iconic spindle shapes. Designed as a helpful handbook, this slim full colour hardcover publication offers a detailed introduction, remarks on systematics, taxonomy, synonymy, distribution, images and basic information for each species, along with some live animal photos. Includes references and helpful scientific index.

A Taxonomic Iconography Of Living Cardiidae

by ter Poorten, 2024, A4 hardcover, 2.9kg AUD 270.00 (+GST)

NEW: An in-depth look at the lovely Bivalve family Cardiidae (Heart Cockles), on 600 pages and with 238 colour plates. This is a beautifully produced and meticulously researched reference book, elaborately illustrated with over 6000 images of the almost 300 currently described taxa. It offers detailed information on each species, such as name, description, key characteristics, type data, global distribution (incl. maps) and detailed references. Along with a general introduction to the family and key infos on shells and animals, additional focus rests on Cardium morphology, patterns and variability, comparisons, ecology, phylogenetic analytics, the fossil history of the family - as well as a look forward to future research. In short: If you want the best book on Cardiidae, this is the one to get!

Living Muricidae Of The World - Ocenebrinae

by Houart, 2024, A4 hardcover, 1.4kg AUD 175.00 (+GST)

NEW: The 2nd Volume of Houart's Book series on Muricidae (238 pages) focuses on the beautiful genus Ocenebrinae, illustrating the 164 known worldwide species in 33 genera. Further referencing the 1971 publication by Vokes, the author offers all recent taxonomic updates in bold print and helpfully illustrates protoconchs in closeup imaging. Each species is listed with name, synonymy, distribution, description and remarks, incl. type locality and the type material. Variable species are shown with several individual specimens illustrated and descriptions are supplemented with additional images, such as for recently described taxa, where description may include SEM radula photography and comprehensive data. A very useful and welcome publication for Muricidae collectors!

The Volutidae Collection of Patrice Bail

by Robin, Monnier & Barnel, 2024, A4 hardcover, 1.25kg AUD 160.00 (+GST)

NEW: A book showcasing the important and extensive private collection of the late author and Volute expert Patrice Bail. Pat extensively corresponded with other specialists worldwide and acquired many rare and beautiful examples for his collection in the process. Similar to other advanced shell collectors, he was most interested in the cutting edge of taxonomy - specialising in the discussion of newly found and hereto undescribed species. Pat authored and co-authored papers and books, contributing to the knowledge of Volutidae over many years. Lavishly illustrating Pat Bail's special collecting interest, this book offers also a closer look at some of the rarest and most difficult to find worldwide Volute species - a fitting tribute to a great collector. Of special interest to Volute lovers and very nice addition to general seashell libraries.

Carrier Shells - Garbage Collectors of the Oceans

by Kreipl & Lorenz, 2023, A4 HC 0.6kg - AUD 82.00 (+GST)

NEW: The first book illustrating all known Xenophora species in colour, subtitled "A Portrait of the Gastropod family Xenophoridae" (Part 4 in the "Molluscan Science" series) shows comprehensive, updated info on all known Carrier Shells. Introducing all fossil and extant species via a historical timeline and culminating in a quick comparison overview page to help collectors with ID work, the innovative layout reads well and illustrates distinguishing features with hundreds of additional dorsal / ventral images next to detailed descriptions on 96 pages. This highly variable group of shells do warrant careful treatment and good illustrations, as they famously are collectors themselves, often found with multiple and varied attachments (notably they collect everything from rocks and other shells - to more recently coins, glass, plastic items and other waste). Includes index, glossary and bibliography. A much-needed  to general seashell libraries.

The Recent Colloniidae

by Poppe, Tagaro  & Huang, 2023, HC 3kg AUD 185.00 (+GST)

NEW: The first comprehensive review of the little-known but beautiful seashell familiy Colloniidae (Trochoidea) with 4 subfamilies, 33 genera and over 250 species is a groundbreaking work introducing over 100 newly described species mainly from the Indo-Pacific. Based on expedition results and featuring collections of the MNHN (Paris, France), the authors offer a revised taxonomy and detailed descriptions alongside 78 excellent full colour plates with high definition illustrations (many in close-up imaging) to assist collectors with comparison and ID work. Also included are scientific index and bibliography sections.

Compendium of Chitons

by Granpoder et al, 2023, HC 1.2kg AUD 140.00 (+GST)

NEW: The 223-page hardcover book by Granpoder, Anseeuw and Robin, subtitled "A Guide Of Recent Polyplacophora" represents the currently best, fully updated taxonomic reference of worldwide Chitons. Correlating with WoRMS (marinespecies.org), the team of authors Illustrate and describe approx. 840 of the currently known extant species. Also including rare and elusive abyssal species with bathymetric ranges to 6000 metres, HD imaging for each species is accompanied by remarks on size, location, habitat and a distribution map insert. Live animals are photographed in situ or with additional close-up imaging to illustrate minute pattern or sculptural differences - very helpful in assisting collectors with comparison and ID work. Also included are scientific index and bibliography sections.

Fossil And Recent Muricidae Of The World 2 (Muricopsinae)

by Merle, Garrigues & Pointier, 2022, HC 3kg AUD 250.00 (+GST)

NEW: Continuing the revision of Muricinae published by the same authors (Part 1) in 2011, Part 2 contains a comprehensive revision of Muricopsinae that divides the subfamily into 5 new groups with 16 genera, comprising 375 extant and fossil species. This new in-depth look at taxonomy (525 pages) includes detailed descriptions and illustrations, along with 156 excellent full colour plates, illustrating worldwide Muricidae in high definition and allowing clear determination of species characteristics to help collectors with comparison and ID. Over 80% of holotypes are illustrated, including several new species descriptions. A must-have publication for all Muricidae collectors.

The Molluscs Of Gulf Of Mannar, India

by Patterson, Ravinesh & Kumar, 2022, HC 2.6kg AUD 260.00 (+GST)

NEW:  A comprehensive 524-page field guide in A4 format, covering the Gulf of Mannar between Southern India and Sri Lanka (and adjacent waters), illustrating over 1000 species (incl. Gastropods, Bivalves, Cephalopods). Summarizing 2 decades of marine research in India and coordinating the results provided by SDMRI and TMMP with input from the Department of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries (University of Kerala), the authors supply comprehensive discussions of habitat, species diversity and ecological impact of collecting along with remarks on the commercial trade of molluscs. Any publication describing the amazing diversity of species from this area is certainly very welcome, but perhaps particularly one that accompanies the offered information with HD imaging sufficiently helpful to collectors for comparison and ID.

Cone Shells Of The Marquesas

by Touitou & Balleton, 2022, HC 1kg AUD 80.00 (+GST)

Review:  A beautiful new 416 page bilingual (French / English) reference book taking a really close look at the fascinating Conidae of the Marquesas Islands in French Polynesia. Always hard to know if a book is worth buying if it only describes and illustrates Conidae from a small geozone, but the super-remote Marquesas are justly famous for their amazing underwater environment, where virtually every other shell proves endemic to only this locality. Along with many shots of living Conidae in natural habitat, the authors comprehensively and lavishly illustrate the 50 local Cone species with many spectacular examples, including a section of juvenile shells to help collectors appreciate the amazing variation available within these groups. Along with morphological features, the authors also discuss molecular analysis and offer ID keys for species determination. Comprising over 50% of the book, the full colour plates and many in-text images ensure an enjoyable browse for any Cone collector.

Compendium Of Marine Gastropods

by Robin, 2021, hardcover 3kg AUD 155.00 (+GST)

Review: Great for beginners and advanced shell collectors alike and based on "Encyclopedia of Marine Gastropods" (2008) by the same author, this is the updated 674-page guide to worldwide shells. Focusing on the more collectable (approx. 6000) species of marine gastropods with corrected and updated taxonomy. Offering larger individual images than the earlier book on excellent colour plates and including all of the collectable Gastropod seashell families, incl. Cowries, Cones, Volutes, etc. Another joint project by the French shell club AFC and Conchbooks, this is a welcome addition to every general seashell library and a great recommendation for beginner collectors who are looking for a worldwide reference book with scientific name index and bibliography (ideal for finding information online).


Australia's Spectacular Cowries

by Wilson & Clarkson, 2004, 420pp, A4 HC 2kg - AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review: Over 7 years of research went into producing this joint publication by Dr. Barry Wilson and Peter Clarkson, with superb results! The book discusses and illustrates the fabulous Zoila and Umbilia Cowries of Australia on over 420 pages and 381 stunning colour plates. Among several hundred additional colour photos are many amazing shots of living animals in their natural habitat. Exact location data and details on the specific host sponges and unusual habitats for these rare and elusive shells are frequently included. Additional information offers 22 coloured distribution maps plus extensive glossary, bibliography and helpful index of scientific names. A beautifully and lavishly illustrated book on these lovely shells and surely a must-have choice for every Cowrie or Zoila collector.(RRP: $ 150.00)

Australian Marine Shells, Vol. 1

by Wilson, 1993, 408pp, A4 HC, AUD 78.00 (+GST)

Review: The first part of the set of books deals mainly with Cypraeidae, Ranellidae, Cassidae, Trochidae and Tonnidae. Containing 408 pages of detailed descriptions and beautifully illustrating the shells on 44 stunning full colour plates, it also provides an overview and many references to Australian mollusca, a helpful glossary and index section. Detailed information for each species and comments on synonyms, taxonomy and habitat are included. Although Vol. 1 is available separately, we sincerely recommend you obtain both volumes together, as they complement each other nicely and are a joy to own and look at - every time.

Australian Marine Shells, Vol. 2

by Wilson, 1994, 370pp, A4 HC, AUD 78.00 (+GST)

Review: The second part of this book set focuses mainly on Murex, Olividae, Volutidae, Mitridae, Conidae and Terebridae. The 370-page 2nd volume contains detailed descriptions of the listed species, illustrated on 53 stunning full colour plates, as well as a helpful glossary and index section. Detailed information for each species and comments on synonyms, taxonomy and habitat are included. Although Vol. 2 is also available separately, we sincerely recommend you obtain both volumes for a more comprehensive look at the full range of shells to be found in Australia.

Australian Marine Shells (Set of Vol. 1 & 2) Special Offer

by Wilson, 2x A4 HC, AUD 90.00 (+GST)

Review: Award-winning bookset combines the complementary pair of books to present over 2400 Australian gastropod seashells with detailed descriptions and excellent colour images. This is the major reference on the subject of Australian shells, providing detailed information for each species, incl synonyms, taxonomy and habitat. In combination, the set offers 778 pages, incl. over 100 superb colour plates and extensive index. This bookset is a joy to browse through and a must-have if you are interested in seashells from Australia.

The Seashells Of Tasmania - A Comprehensive Guide

by Grove, 2nd Ed. 2019, A5 softcover 0.18kg AUD 35.00 (+GST)

Review: While this 82-page field guide is tailored for Tasmania, it also covers most species you can find along the Southern and Eastern Australian coasts. This A5 softcover book is the most useful current field guide for Australian shells, as it is small enough to easily fit into your bag for beach walks. Illustrating over 350 species (plus covering 100 more) of the most common seashells found on beaches or in shallow water around S/E Australia. Offering general info re. identification, habitat and advice on shell collecting and conservation issues, besides all species grouped into families and pictured on 30 full colour plates next to the descriptions on the opposite page - the perfect layout for quick and easy identification! Also includes a scientific index, helpful local contact info and web link to the book's corresponding website with constantly updated ID & taxonomy info.

A Taxonomic Iconography of Living Conidae - Vol. 1

by Monnier, Limpalaer, Robin & Roux, 2018, 604pp, A4 HC 3kg - AUD 240.00 (+GST)

Review: Great reference book on all Conidae species of the world by a team of expert authors that resolves a lot of previous confusion re. many cryptic species, using modern DNA analysis and radula specifics (incl. detailed drawings). A timely publication also in view of the current scientific interest in medical uses of conotoxins / peptides, this beautifully illustrated bookset offers comprehensive, updated info on over 1000 Conus species. The innovative layout integrates over 6700 total images for quick reference: Multiple dorsal / ventral images, closeup pics and living animal shots are placed directly next to detailed descriptions with locality map insets for every species. Representing a new take on how best to assist collectors with often difficult identification, Vol. 1 and 2 will be a most welcome addition to all general seashell libraries. Additional sections include a glossary and bibliography. A must-have bookset for every Cone collector.

A Taxonomic Iconography of Living Conidae - Vol. 2

by Monnier, Limpalaer, Robin & Roux, 2018, 604pp, A4 HC 3kg - AUD 240.00 (+GST)

Review: Finally a great new reference book on the Conidae species of the world, offering comprehensive and up-to-date information on over a thousand species of Conus. Both volumes are beautifully illustrated with innovative layout, integrating over 6700 total images for quick reference: Multiple dorsal / ventral images, closeup views and living animal shots are placed alongside detailed descriptions with locality maps for every species. This bookset is an exciting new addition for all general seashell libraries besides being a joy to browse through. Additional sections include glossary and bibliography - NOTE: The all-important scientific index section is only available in Vol. 2! A must-have bookset for every Cone collector.

Cowries - A Guide to the Gastropod Family Cypraeidae - Vol. 1

by Lorenz, 2017 (Vol.1 Biology & Systematics), 644pp, A4 HC 3kg - AUD 240.00 (+GST)

Review: The updated "Cowrie Bible" by Dr. Lorenz follows the seminal "Guide To WW Cowries" (ed. 2000) in a similar format, where descriptions integrate colour plates on the same page. The 644-page Part 1 "Biology and Systematics" revises the current knowledge of the living Cowrie species, offering many new descriptions and very interesting introductory chapters on many aspects of Cowrie biology, history, collecting, etc. The book comprehensively describes and illustrates 60 species taxa and 193 subspecies of living Cowries, collating shell and animal morphology with molecular data in its systematics. A selection of fossil taxa contributes to the understanding of evolutionary history and the development of Cowrie shapes over millions of years. Additional diagnostic plates offer quick visual comparison of taxa side by side. Each species is described with colour images, distribution map, original name and reference, synonyms, description, size range (incl. often very detailed remarks on distinguishing features, subspecies and likely comparisons). Another 60 full colour pages incl. live animal photos, many additional drawings, incl. coloured DNA tree schematics further enhance the book, which concludes with comprehensive bibliographic and scientific index sections. Complementing this book is Volume 2 (Animals & Shells), published 2018. Dr. Lorenz invites your comments, queries and feedback about the books on his online forum www.cowries.info.

Cowries - A Guide to the Gastropod Family Cypraeidae - Vol. 2

by Lorenz, 2018 (Vol.2 Shells & Animals), 715pp, A4 HC 3kg - AUD 240.00 (+GST)

Review: The highly anticipated Part 2 (2018) of the "Cowrie Bible" by Dr. Lorenz supplements Vol. 1 (2017) with a comprehensive overview of the current 260 worldwide Cypraea species and additional 193 current subspecies. It lavishly illustrates each species on full colour plates and offers many live animal images. Discussing modern taxonomy along with synonyms, historical and fossil records, the bookset provides much-needed insight and updates to current Cowrie systematics. Similar to Volume 1, each species description is accompanied by the relevant basic information relating to distribution, references, synonyms, animal, size range (incl. often very detailed remarks on distinguishing features, subspecies and likely comparisons). The main difference to Book 1 is the large number of high quality images presented in Vol. 2, which are incredibly helpful for ID work. Volume 2 also provides comprehensive bibliographic and scientific index sections. The bookset is a must-have for all Cowrie collectors and we recommend it for modern seashell libraries. Read more, ask questions or leave comments about the books at Dr. Lorenz's online forum at www.cowries.info.

Cowries Of New South Wales

by Tarrant, 2016, 154pp, A5 hardcover 0.45kg AUD 38.00 (+GST)

Review: A new guide to the Cypraeidae of NSW in Australia that provides an overview of the Cowrie species of the region. The small format is handy for beachcombing trips, but also as a welcome illustrated reference for serious collectors. Along with reviewing historical taxonomic records, the 154-page book includes a comprehensive updated species list, maps with locality details, a list of size ranges, descriptions and remarks on synonymy, average size, occurrence, habitat and distribution. Along with several images per species, the additional information on distinguishing characteristics helps with easier comparison and ID work. The author established a website to enable collectors to contribute their own local knowledge and concludes the book with a helpful glossary and reference section. 

A Guide to Marine Molluscs of Europe

by Alf, Brenzinger et al, 2020, hardcover 2.4kg AUD 155.00 (+GST)

Review: This substantial 800-page book on the marine molluscs of the European seas (incl. Atlantic, Mediterranean and Baltic Oceans), finally enables quick identification for all commonly found species, many of which also occur in other parts of the world. The group of authors aims to provide collectors with a user-friendly field guide and up-to-date information on European species. Over 350 excellent quality colour plates illustrate (often via multiple images) over 1500 species, (including Chitons, Bivalves and Cephalopods), also incorporating the latest taxonomic data for all of the highly collectable Gastropod families, incl. Cowries, Cones, Volutes, etc. Additional info includes essays on responsible collecting, ecology, habitat preservation and a helpful scientific name index / bibliography section.

Marine Molluscs of French Polynesia

by Boutet et al, 2020, hardcover, 3.4kg AUD 190.00 (+GST)

Review: A beautifully produced Guide to the Marine Shells of French Polynesia, implementing all the latest taxonomic nomenclature. Offering an unsurpassed and substantial 768-page overview on over 3000 species of malacofauna of the central South Pacific region. The authors describe and illustrate the majority of known taxa to date, incl. several new species and subspecies in great detail with excellent HD imaging throughout. A most welcome new addition to general seashell libraries and great reference for the region. Bilingual text (French / English) publication including bibliograpy and extensive scientific index.

Recent Fasciolariidae

by Mallard & Robin, 2017, hardcover, 1.8kg AUD 165.00 (+GST)

Review: The lavishly illustrated and comprehensive 350-page guide to the Fasciolariidae / Fusinus shell family finally clarifies the confusing nomenclature of several previous publications. Opening with an overview of all known taxa, its innovative, helpful formatting places all relevant information incl. small locality map inserts alongside each species description, next to excellent colour images. Thus, the layout saves collectors a lot of time otherwise spent in leafing through the book to find corresponding plates or images for every species. Plate captions and discussions also include remarks on the original species description, phylogenetics, distribution, habitat, variations, references and conclude with scientific name index and some stunning images of live shells in their natural habitat. An enjoyable in-depth look at this variable and interesting shell family that includes many new species records and a complete taxonomic revision.

Cassidae - An Amazing Family Of Seashells

by Verbinnen, Segers, Swinnen et al, 2016, hardcover, 1.4kg AUD 150.00 (+GST)

Review: A new, beautifully illustrated study of the variable Cassidae family, including all subgenera Cassis, Hypocassis, Cypraecassis, Levenia, Galeodea, Sconsia, Microsconsia, Oocorys, Dalium, Eucorys, Phalium, Casmaria, Echinophoria, Semicassis and Antephalium. The team of authors (also including Kurt Kreipl and David Monsecour) comprehensively reviewed the family from a conchological perspective with a user-friendly layout to create a most helpful reference book for collectors and scientists alike. Containing 151 pages and 130 gorgeous full colour plates illustrating all 98 recognised species in HD imaging, this is an exemplary reference guide to worldwide Cassidae, providing support for anyone wishing to ID their collection or deepening their knowledge on the subject. Including descriptions of all taxa up to and including 2016, it is a great addition to all seashell libraries.

Neritidae Of The World Vol. 1

by Eichhorst, 2016, hardcover, 3.25kg AUD 230.00 (+GST)

Review: One of the world's leading experts on Neritidae presents an impressive 694-page first part to this comprehensive review and analysis of the family. It discusses fossil record, physiology, historic / current taxonomy, life cycles and habitat along with describing and illustrating all known species of the 7 genera Clithon, Clypeolum, Fluvinenta, Mienerita, Nereina, Neripteron and Nerita. Offering new descriptions of 5 species, this is a groundbreaking reference work that will delight collectors who were waiting for just such a book before attempting to review and ID their Nerite collections. Featuring detailed imaging of shell and operculum, as well as structural and pattern variations, the generous allocation of one (or sometimes several) plates per species is the only way to show distinguishing characteristics sufficiently well enough to classify them with certainty. Almost 200 excellent full colour plates are included, along with scientific index / bibliography sections. A great addition to any general seashell library and must-have for Nerite collectors.

Neritidae Of The World Vol. 2

by Eichhorst, 2016, hardcover, 3.2kg AUD 230.00 (+GST)

Review: Part 2 of the great Nerites reference work by Tom Eichhorst offers on 671 pages several new descriptions, comprehensively extending the first book to cover nearly 300 species of Neritidae, 6 other related families and several fossils. Each recent Nerite species is described and illustrated with 1-3 full page HD colour plates (170), showing shell, operculum, structural and color/pattern variations in great detail. Genera included: Neritina, Neritodryas, Neritona, Puperita, Septaria, Smaragdia, Theodoxus, Vitta, and Vittina - as well as related families Helicinidae, Hydrocenidae, Neritiliidae, Neritopsidae, Phenacolepadidae and Titiscaniidae. Additional info includes a scientific index (for both volumes), glossary, bibliography and errata. Another must-have for anyone who enjoys and collects Nerites.

Living Muricidae Of The World - Muricinae

by Houart, 2014, A4 hardcover, 1.2kg AUD 140.00 (+GST)

Review: A welcome new 197-page publication for collectors of Muricidae. oducing worldwide Muricinae with the genera Promurex, Haustellum, Bolinus, Vokesimurex and Siratus. Each species is listed with name, synonymy, distribution, description and remarks, incl. type locality and the type material (noted for species named after 1971) and illustrated in colour with numerous individual specimens. The informative text is supplemented with many b/w drawings and other illustrations, usually to further illustrate type specimens and providing SEM photographs for radula and other details. Detailed drawings or photos of the protoconch are helpfully provided for most of the species, assisting with further identification to species level.

Conus of the Southeastern United States and Caribbean

by Kohn, 2014, hardcover 2.2kg AUD 130.00 (+ GST)

Review: Published by the Princeton University Press, this is the latest substantial reference book (480 pages) by one of the world's experts on Conidae. It describes and illustrates 53 species of Cones from the southeastern United States and Caribbean, blending the traditional shell morphology description and ID approach with cutting-edge radular tooth and shell morphometrics, as well as molecular genetic analysis. The western Atlantic region is famous for its diverse and taxonomically challenging Cones, so over 2100 excellent photos of specimens on 109 color plates (many live animal shots) will greatly assist collectors with identification and comparison. Along with 35 color distribution maps, the descriptions include key identification features and remarks on taxonomy, distribution, ecology, toxicology, life history, and evolutionary relationships. An excellent new book for Cone collectors.

The Cone Shells Of Florida

by Tucker, 2013, hardcover, 2.3kg AUD 120.00 (+GST)

Review: The first well-illustrated and comprehensive Guide to the Conidae of Florida, written by one of the authors of the famous "Compendium Of Seashells" general reference book. Tucker illustrates and describes 30 species with superb images (often with additional typical variations and examples) on 48 lavish full colour plates. Numerous additional large colour illustrations throughout the text feature an ID key that allows for easier determination and comparison. A much-needed publication for this region and a most welcome addition to specialist Conidae literature 

Seashells Of The Kenya Coast

by Fowler, 2016, hardcover, 1.1kg AUD 130.00 (+GST)

Review: A Guide to the marine Shells of Kenya, offering a substantial 170-page overview on this region, which hasn't been documented previously in a comprehensive way. The author describes 932 species and subspecies in detail. Illustrating close to 1000 species (images of 948 individual specimens) with excellent image quality throughout - on 71 colour plates - allows for much-needed assistance with determination and ID work. A very welcome addition to general seashell libraries and anyone interested in shells from Africa.

The Terebridae of Western America

by Aubry & Gargiulo, 2014, A4 softcover 1kg AUD 110.00 (+GST)

Review: Subtitled "Panamanian Province (Study and Revision)", this 212-page book illustrates the almost completely endemic Terebras of the Panamanian Province (lat ~32° north to ~5° south). Covering 51 species, the authors illuminate many complex aspects concerning ecology and biology of the species, e.g. their larval ecology and bathymetric ranges. Discussing and citing the original species description of the species, incl. type locality and holotype for each species, along with extensive illustrations on full-colour plates, this is a most welcome publication for all collectors interested in Terebridae.

Seashells Of Antarctica

by Engl, 2012, hardcover 2kg AUD 230.00 (+GST)

Review: The first comprehensive reference book on Antarctic seashells! The rich Antarctic waters allow for a particularly wide and interesting biodiversity and molluscs are no exception. This 402-page book discusses and illustrates all known Antarctic Bivalves (over 80 species) and Gastropods (over 330 species). Alongside 88 excellent full colour plates, the text contains many additional images and drawings. It includes the results of 10 years of research since the 2000 Ant 17/3 expedition of the vessel 'Polarstern' and manages to offer both fantastic images and substantial information that have never been published before. A beautiful and very interesting addition to any seashell library.

Seashells of Eastern Arabia (2nd Hand)

by Bosch, Dance et al, 1995, used hardcover, 1.3kg AUD 75.00 (+GST)

Review: A beautifully illustrated 296-page guide book book on the fascinating shells of Arabia and Oman, describing and illustrating over 1000 species of the region.  Out of print now for many years but still a very helpful reference book for collectors interested in shells from this part of the world. Includes helpful bibliography, reference and scientific index sections. A hard to find used book in excellent near new condition, with tight binding and glossy cover.

Encyclopedia Of Marine Gastropods

by Robin, 2008, hardcover 2.4kg AUD 136.00 (+GST)

Review: Great for beginners and advanced shell collectors alike, this is the most comprehensive up-to-date guide to worldwide shells available. Amazing photography on excellent colour plates include over 12000 images, accompanied by the latest scientific knowledge and taxonomy for all of the (highly collectable) Gastropod seashell families, incl. Cowries, Cones, Volutes, etc. A joint project by the French shell club AFC and Conchbooks, this fantastic A4 reference book should be part of every seashell library. With its companion volume 'Encyclopedia Of Marine Bivalves' it has now replaced the 'Compendium Of Seashells" as the single most useful seashell book you can own. Together they provide the best range of information and illustration of worldwide seashells in the most efficient way possible. If you only need a single seashell book, this is the one to get. If you like Bivalves and Nautilus too, get them both. Additional info includes scientific name index and bibliography (ideal to track down further information online).

Encyclopedia Of Marine Bivalves

by Robin, 2011, hardcover 1.6kg AUD 85.00 (+GST)

Review: The French shell club AFC and Conchbooks Publishing have jointly produced this long-awaited companion volume to the 'Encyclopedia Of Marine Gastropods'. It's an excellent new guide to worldwide Bivalves, also illustrating and describing Scaphopods, Polyplacophora & Cephalopods (Nautilus). The generous A4 sized hardcover shows over 2000 species of marine molluscs on many amazing full colour plates. Since good imaging is essential for ID work on Bivalvia, it contains over 5000 individual photographs in stunning quality, making the book not only very helpful for identification, but also a joy to browse through. The additional illustrations of various colour forms to illuminate the incredible variety within a single species are particularly enjoyable. Additional information includes scientific name index and extensive bibliography (ideally suited to track down further information online).

Compendium Of Bivalves Vol 1

by Huber, 2010, hardcover 3.15kg AUD 230.00 (+GST)

Review: A full-colour reference guide to 3300 worldwide marine species, which comprehensively reviews 250 years of research and on 904 pages presents all collectors with the opportunity to compare, identify and catalogue their bivalve collections. Assembled by a respected author on the subject, this work offers a huge amount of knowledge and includes detailed descriptions for each species, besides excellent and sharp full colour images and additional drawings. Aside from detailed discussions on systematics, distribution and habitat for each species, this very useful book is also packaged with a searchable cross-referencing database on CD-ROM (incl. further 440 pages and over 20,000 names, incl. synonyms). A must-have for collectors, the 'Compendium of Bivalves' (Vol 1, 2010 and Vol 2, 2015) is offering the most comprehensive range of knowledge on worldwide Bivalves.

Compendium Of Bivalves Vol 2

by Huber, 2015, hardcover 3.15kg AUD 295.00 (+GST)

Review: The companion book to Compendium of Bivalves Vol. 1 (2010) is published in the same format as the first book as a full-color guide and systematic listing of the remaining 7 Bivalve Families, incl. 8500 Bivalve species (and 10500 synonyms). Another very impressive 907-page reference work by Huber, who here introduces 45 new species, 33 new genera, 6 new subfamilies and 1 new Bivalve family. Illustrating and describing the families Thyasiridae, Lucinidae, Galeommatidae, Tellinidae, Cyrenidae, Ungulinidae and Teredinidae (missing from Vol 1). Other than new descriptions, the 2nd volume also contains major updates and additions to many species treated in the first book, completing the tabulation of biodiversity and biogeography of worldwide Bivalves. In combination they now offer data and synonyms of all worldwide marine and brackish water bivalves recognized by the author, assisted again by a searchable cross-referencing database on CD-ROM (included).

Guide Book To Pecten Shells (2nd Hand)

by Rombouts, 1992, used hardcover, 1kg AUD 50.00 (+GST)

Review: Out of print now for many years but still a desirable reference book particularly for Australian Pectinidae, the original in-depth study by Rombouts still  occasionally becomes available from private collections. For those interested in ID work, this guide book and especially the close look at deep water Propeamussidae species is very helpful. Covering 300 Pecten species and subspecies and illustrating over 200 species (incl. 100 Propeamussidae). Taxonomy has moved on since its publication, but with the help of WoRMS (World Register of Marine Species) website online, that's no major issue.Includes helpful bibliography, reference and scientific index sections. A valuable addition to Bivalve reference libraries. 2nd Hand, good condition, tight binding, incl. dust jacket!

Malacologia - Nomenclator of Bivalve Families

by Bouchet & Rocroi et al, 2010, softcover, 0.5kg AUD 10.00 (+GST)

Review: A new 184-page taxonomy for bivalves, using phylogenetics, incl. molecular analysis, anatomy, shell morphology and microstructure, as well as bio-geographic, paleobiogeographical and stratigraphical information.The publication offersa culmintaion of scientific work by by the authors from the MNHN and several American institutions. It classifies and recognises 324 families, incl. 214 solely from the fossil recordand another 110 families also occurring recently. this significant taxonomic revision has been adopted by WoRMS, the World Register of Marine Species.The handy A4 formatted softcover provides a comprehensive, inexpensive checklist and ID help for all bivalve collectors. t also includes helpful bibliography, reference and scientific index sections (table of contents printed on the back cover for easy access).

Monograph Of The Genus Pustularia

by Lorenz, 2014, hardcover 0.55kg AUD 70.00 (+GST)

Review: A detailed and lavishly illustrated overview of the diminuitive Cypraeidae Genus Pustularia. Identification and classification of the often strikingly beautiful Cowries will now become much easier with the help of excellent HD images of over 500 individual shells (incl. living animals), research & analysis. A comprehensively modern approach to discussing and describing conchological features as well as molecular data of the various taxa, the 130-page book also offers 3 new subspecies descriptions. Cowrie collectors will enjoy the detailed general remarks on shell features, along with 31 full colour plates and helpful images throughout the text. Another great book for Cowrie collectors, offering updates on systematics and distribution, several maps plus a double-page ID Key comparison table.

Revision Of The Genus Pusula

by Fehse & Grego, 2014, hardcover 1.9kg AUD 85.00 (+GST)

Review: Following up on the earlier publication about the genus Trivellona, the authors are comprehensively reviewing the 19 recent and fossil species of Allied Cowries (Triviidae). Along with many distribution maps, superb closeup imaging of radula and granular structure details, the 144-page book offers excellent photos of live animals by Anne DuPont and typical specimens including variations on 50 full size detailed colour plates. Detailed plate captions and discussions include remarks on the original description, distribution, variations, radula and references. An enjoyable in-depth look at this interesting shell family, including new descriptions of 5 species and two new Genera. Also of interest to Cowrie collectors.

Antiguan Shallow-Water Seashells

by Deng Yan Zhang, 2011, A4 hardcover 1.2kg AUD 135.00 (+GST)

Review: Antiguan Shallow-Water Seashells: A Collection with 18 Years Study and Research of Shorelines Shells from Antigua and West Indies. A substantial new book dealing not just with Antiguan species, but also covering many of the marine shells of the West Indies (from Florida to Trinidad) and the Caribbean. Showing detailed information on 963 species on 210 pages with full colour illustrations on 94 plates, some of which represent the first ever published image of the species. Including additional maps, an introduction to the geographical region, helpful bibliography and scientific index sections. A most helpful new resource on the shells of the region.


Bivalve Seashells of Western South America

by Valentich-Scott et al, 2020, A4 hardcover, 2.2kg AUD 260.00 (+GST)

Review: A comprehensive guide to Bivalve Molluscs in the Peru-Chile province, covering nearly 240 species. Offering 593 pages of detailed descriptions along with 135 full-colour plates and additional drawings and text illustrations. Tabular ID keys and species characteristics features are designed for quick taxonomic determination and descriptions include information on the geographic distribution and habitats, general characteristics and max. size. Detailed discussions of biology, ecology and systematics are supported by extensive bibliographic glossary and reference sections. Recommended for Bivalve collectors interested in the taxa from the region.

A Pictorial Guide Of The Australian Fossil Volutes

by Goudey, 2018, hardcover, 1.1kg AUD 80.00 (+GST)

Review: Author Chris Goudey followed up his now sold-out excellent first book on Australian Fossil Cowries with a 2nd reference book on Fossil Volutes of Australia. Lavishly illustrated throughout with 35 full colour plates and additional colour mages in the text sections, it offers the first ever published image record on this group of fossils, along with detailed review of fossil development. The glossy A4 formatted 94-page hardcover book illustrates in high definiton all known fossil Volutidae in Australia and discusses them in detail. It offers several site locality maps, detailed historical and geographical classification of the various groups, a checklist of taxa, remarks on collecting / preparation of often fragile fossils, glossary, bibliography and scientific index sections. The publication perfectly compliments the current reference literature on extant Volutidae by providing a comprehensive, well illustrated background on the evolution of this seashell family. A must-have for Volute collectors and fossil enthusiasts!

African Landshells

by Cossignani, 2013, A4 hardcover 1.4kg AUD 155.00 (+GST)

Review: A Revision of the African Landsnail species, featuring a useful referencing layout showing the various species (incl. many variations and colour forms) from several angles. Over 3300 excellent colour images on 208 pages allow for quick, efficient ID work and species determination. Structured geographically, the book arranges the Snail families by region, including cross-references where appropriate. Every image has captions with essential information on name / locality / size of the specimen, some of which are pictured here for the very first time. Additional maps plus other helpful bibliographical references enhance the book, but otherwise the bilingual text (languages: English / Italian) is minimal and mainly includes an introduction and a scientific index section. A valuable and useful book for any land snail collector.

Revision of the Genus Trivellona

by Fehse & Grego, 2009, hardcover 0.6kg AUD 85.00 (+GST)

Review: A beautifully detailed and informative book about Allied Cowries (Triviidae) - the first revision since Cate (1979). The world's leading authority on the subject discusses in detail 32 known recent and fossil members of the genus Trivellona and includes descriptions of 5 new species in a wide distribution from Japan through the Western Pacific and eastern Australia (incl. Coral Sea) to New Zealand. Many text illustrations and distribution maps, as well as 36 full color plates & 4 b/w drawings assist greatly with ID work. For each species, one entire colour plate is allocated. Each shows several specimens per species. Includes index section and several local habitat appendices. Multilingual text in English with additional summaries in Japanese, French and German

Abalone - Worldwide Haliotidae

by Geiger & Owen, 2012, hardcover 1.9kg AUD 185.00 (+GST)

Review: A visually exciting, comprehensive overview of the highly diverse and variable worldwide Abalone (Haliotidae) species. Illustrating and describing with HD imaging on 90 excellent full colour plates, the authors also included detailed images of all known hybrid examples, as well as many rare colour forms. Enjoyable browsing and very helpful for ID work, this feature will considerably aid collectors seeking to determine their Abalone shells. Also included: General information on biology, habitat, distribution ranges and taxonomy, as well as remarks on the historical significance and modern fishery techniques. A detailed bibliography and scientific index sections conclude this currently definitive work on Haliotidae. A beautifully produced publication and very nice addition to any seashell library.

Shells Of The Hawaiian Islands (Set of Vol. 1 & 2)

by Severns, 2011, 2x HC (incl. slipcase) 5.5kg AUD 295.00 (+GST)

Review: A great double-volume set in matching slipcase that covers the marine shells and landsnails of Hawaii on well over 1000 pages after 3 decades of research. This is the first modern, comprehensive guide to the shells and snails of the isolated and huge Hawaiian archipelago. This remote location has notably produced a unique terrestrial ecosystem unlike any other, with mostly endemic species. The astounding diversity of the islands' marine and land shells is now enjoyably described and illustrated in this substantial bookset. The informative text includes many new species descriptions and is accompanied by numerous drawings, hundreds of distribution maps and many thousands of images on full colour plates, making the 2 volume-set a must-have purchase for any seashell collector with a special interest in Hawaii.

Shells Of The Hawaiian Islands (Vol. 1 - The Sea Shells)

by Severns, 2011, hardcover 2.7kg AUD 190.00 (+GST)

Review: The first part of the double-volume bookset, covers the marine shells of Hawaii (no slipcase). The remote location of the archipelago has resulted in a unique marine environment, which produces a high degree of endemic species. The substantial A4 formatted guide illustrates and references the Hawaiian seashells on 562 pages and includes 2,828 images on 225 full colour plates. Descriptions and informative text are accompanied by handy double-page area maps of the Hawaiian islands, a large section on fossil shells, several addenda, as well as bibliography and taxonomic index sections.

Shells Of The Hawaiian Islands (Vol. 2 - The Land Shells)

by Severns, 2011, hardcover 2.3kg AUD 175.00 (+GST)

Review: The second part of the double-volume bookset describes and illustrates the land shells of Hawaii (no slipcase). This A4 formatted, illustrated reference guide to the endemic and extremely diverse Hawaiian Land & Freshwater species and their described variants. The book manages to impress with the range of species it covers on 459 pages, incl. 3,117 images on full colour plates. Additional info includes hundreds of distribution maps, illustrating 749 species and 345 subspecies incl. several new species descriptions and taxonomic revisions, as well as bibliography and taxonomic index sections. Obviously a must-have purchase for every worldwide landsnail collector's library.

Olividae, A Collectors Guide

by Sterba, 2004, hardcover 1.2kg AUD 80.00 (+ GST)

Review: Currently the most comprehensive and probably best publication on the subject of the popular seashell family, this book will make the identification of your Olividae collection much easier. Over 1550 specimens of glossy, beautiful Olives are illustrated in 62 full colour plates and 74 drawings, presenting a fine and useful identification guide for this extensive and variable group of shells. The text includes an introduction to Oliva and detailed info on systematics. Especially useful are the minutely detailed descriptions and plate captions. Additional information shows a bibliography, full glossary and helpful index of scientific names.

Fossil And Recent Muricidae Of The World

by Merle, Garrigues & Pointier, 2011, HC 3kg AUD 163.00 (+GST)

Review: A comprehensive revision of Murex - including detailed research on 652 pages, describing many new genera and subgenera. The three authors have outlined the criteria for each genus (with a detailed list of the species for each). Excellent 182 full colour plates illustrate worldwide specimens in high definition, allowing clear determination of species characteristics. For example, the considerable confusion surrounding many US & Caribbean Muricidae species can finally be resolved with the detailed colour imaging. Even minute variations within the species are now discernible for the first time ever, assisting collectors with comparison and identification.

The Living Ovulidae

by Lorenz & Fehse, 2009, hardcover 3kg AUD 150.00 (+GST)

Review: A visually exciting and comprehensive guide to the elusive and beautiful seashell families Ovulidae, Pediculariidae and Eocypraeidae. With over 250 full colour plates and HD imaging, it's an impressive first revision of worldwide Ovulidae since the 70's. It includes descriptions of 19 new species and 4 new genera and completely revises taxonomy, comparing all living taxa, using modern systematics. Containing helpful illustrated ID key and extensive reference sections, besides over 2000 individual colour images (incl. 375 shots of living animals in their natural habitat / coral) and advising on habitat, biology, distribution, holotypes, rarities as well as size ranges. A lavishly illustrated tool for collectors and great addition to every seashell library. See also: http://www.ovulidae.com/book.html

Terebridae, A Collectors Guide

by Terryn, 2007, hardcover 0.7kg AUD 80.00 (+GST)

Review: Easily the best and most comprehensive reference work on this subject and written specifically for collectors, this is an extremely useful guide to worldwide Terebridae, illustrating 313 species on 65 superb full colour plates. Since the  iconic Terebra shells are extremely popular, this is a most welcome addition to all general seashell libraries. The book gives a comprehensive overview of the 14 Genera and other taxonomic groups of the Terebra family and features an introduction by Philippe Bouchet. Along with 48 pages of descriptive text, the handsome A4 formatted hardcover presents collectors with excellent photography and HD imaging (including many additional images throughout the text) which enables comparison and ID work. Certainly a must-have publication for every Terebridae collector.

Recent Cancellariidae

by Hemmen, 2008, hardcover 1.8kg AUD 180.00 (+ GST)

Review: This new 428-page comprehensive reference guide on the Cancellariidae family represents the culmination of 10 years of work by the author. Illustrating all the known taxa and showing the holotype of each species enables clear distinction of each taxon. Photos throughout the book are unfortunately in b/w only, but the size, detail and clarity of the images certainly achieve the desired objective. A never likely to be repeated work on this distict and elegant shell family. Additional information includes almost 50 pages of bilbliographic material incl. cross-references and annotations. A must-have book for any Cancellaria collectors - now OOP, last brand new copies.

Philippine Marine Mollusks (Vol 1)

by Poppe et al, 2008, hardcover 3.5kg AUD 135.00 (+GST)

Review: The first volume of a series of 4 books on Philippine marine shells represents a co-operative effort of 40 expert malacologists, incl. Poppe, Anseeuw, Beu, Bouchet, Eichhorst, Geiger, Goto, Hollmann, Kronenberg, et al. Describing and beautifully illustrating the incredible variety of marine shells from the Philippines (over 3500 species), the 1st volume covers 69 families, incl. Cypraeidae, Epitoniidae, Naticidae, Strombidae, Triviidae, Trochidae, etc. The text includes many coloured illustrations plus 312 stunning full colour plates (print / photo quality throughout is superb), making this a must-have title in every serious shell collector's library and a great book to browse through just for the sake of the lovely images. Additional information includes a detailed introduction, information on the authors, Philippine habitats, methodology, systematics, a bibliography section and full scientific index.

Philippine Marine Mollusks (Vol 2)

by Poppe, 2009, hardcover 3.9kg AUD 135.00 (+GST)

Review: The excellent 2nd volume of the 4-part series on Philippine Marine Shells by Guido Poppe deals mainly with the Conidae of the Philippines. A substantial (nearly 4kg!) and very impressive publication with stunning full colour plates (HD print / photo quality throughout), making this a must-have title in every serious shell collector's library and a great book to browse through just for the sake of the lovely images. Additional information includes a detailed introduction, information on the authors, Philippine habitats, methodology, systematics, a bibliography section and full scientific index.

Philippine Marine Mollusks (Vol 3)

by Poppe, 2010, hardcover 3.2kg AUD 135.00 (+GST)

Review: This third volume in this spectacular series of books about seashells from the Philippines covers 55 gastropod families, incl. Architectonicidae, Bullinidae, Cylichnidae, Haminoidae, all Nudibranch and Heterobranch families and marine Pulmonata. The 665 pages also include Bivalves (18 families), incl. Nuculidae, Yoldiidae, Glycimeridae, Mytilidae, Arcidae, Limopsidae, Pteriidae, Malleidae, Ostreidae, Pinnidae and Pectinidae. More than 700 gastropods and 250 bivalves are shown in detail and with many subspecies, forms and variations. A very impressive publication with 307 stunning full colour plates (2206 individual images in superb quality) - another must-have title in every serious shell collector's library. Additional information includes a foreword by the Philippine president Gloria Arroyo, as well as info on the authors/experts, Philippine habitat, methodology

Philippine Marine Mollusks (Vol 4)

by Poppe, 2011, hardcover 3.2kg AUD 135.00 (+GST)

Review: The 4th volume of the bookset about Philippine seashells documents 1005 species and includes 301 excellent full colour plates. Another spectacular and substantial hardcover (680 pages) book. The many international authors that have contributed expert knowledge to this series has made the set into a very useful tool for collectors interested in shells from the Western Pacific. Vol. 4 deals mainly with Bivalvia (Propeamussiidae, Spondylidae, Septibranchia, Cuspidariidae, Lucinidae, Chamidae, Cardiidae, Tellinidae, Psammobiidae and Mactridae, etc.). Also included are Scaphopods and Cephalopods with a superb set of photographs of living animals, as well as 2 addenda that illustrate many newly described or rediscovered species not documented in the earlier volumes. Another must-have for every serious shell collector.

Philippine Marine Mollusks (Vol 5)

by Poppe, 2017, hardcover 3.1kg AUD 195.00 (+GST)

Review: Part 5 of the of the great Philippine Seashells bookset contains all newly described species and new records across the Philippine marine mollusc fauna since 2011 (since Vol 4 publication). This last 628 page volume offers an additional stunning 285 full colour plates in the same excellent HD image quality as the previous books in this series. With this last volume, the series now documents, describes and beautifully illustrates over 5800 species in 297 families - another must-have for all seashell libraries and serious collectors.

Colombian Seashells From The Caribbean Sea

by Daccarett & Bossio, 2011, hardcover 2.2kg AUD 185.00 (+GST)

Review: This is a detailed overview of the members of the Phylum Mollusca from the Caribbean coastlines of Colombia and its offshore islands. The 384-page volume (plus excellent scientific index) includes descriptions and 175 excellent full page color plates (plus 3 black and white plates with Cephalopod drawings). Discussing the characteristics of the taxonomic classification system of all molluscs in the Southern Caribbean Sea, each species is dealt with in detail, incl. range, depth, size, local and global distribution. The full colour plates are superb, with all species illustrated and where this is useful, often greatly magnified. Many rarely illustrated species are here photographed for the first time in such great colour and definition (i.e. detailed images of previously confusing groups of Caribbean Conidae, Muricidae and Pectinidae are especially helpful for ID work).

Shells from the Greek Seas

by Delamotte & Vardala-Theodoru, 2008, HC 2kg AUD 120.00 (+GST)

Review: This illustrated overview of the seashells of Greece published by the Goulandris Natural History Museum shows the most beautiful and outstanding species of the region. Detailed information on morphology, physiology, anatomy and distribution on 323 pages deal with 360 species. Includes detailed maps and remarks on collecting and conservation - a useful book and a valuable help with classification of the shells found on these shores.

Marine Molluscs Of Madeira

by Segers, Swinnen & De Prins, 2009, HC 3kg AUD 50.00 (+GST)

Review: A great new book on the beautiful living mollusca of the Madeira Archipelago, covering over 750 species in full colour. Newly described: 11 new species are included here for the first time. Over a third of the book is devoted to glossy full colour plates, illustrating over 1200 individual images in lavish detail. A must-have new publication for all seashell collectors interested in this region.

Seashells Of Southern Florida

by Mikkelsen & Bieler, 2008, hardcover 1.9kg AUD 115.00 (+GST)

Review: A superb, beautifully illustrated full colour 503-page book outlining the various Bivalve seashell families of USA, Florida. Includes colour diagrams of the living animals in cross-section, as well as detailed photos of all living species from this area. A great reference for all collectors and shell lovers interested in the very popular USA, Florida shells. Additional information includes comprehensive illustrated glossary, bibliography and scientific index sections.

Mangrove Environments And Molluscs

by Lozouet & Plaziat, 2008, softcover 0.4kg AUD 50.00 (+GST)

Review:  Including species from the Abatan River, Bohol and Panglao Islands area in the central Philippines, this 158-page publication focuses on the many marine and freshwater shells living in the Mangrove areas. With 40 excellent full colour images throughout the text and 38 full colour plates, the publication reports from a biodiversity expedition under the aegis of MNHN (Paris Natural History Museum), undertaken to evaluate the extraordinary marine biodiversity in the mangrove environments of this region.

Land And Freshwater Molluscs Of Brazil

by Simone, 2006, hardcover 1.5kg AUD 145.00 (+GST)

Review: With over 1000 listed species, this substantial new hardcover catalogue with 390 pages on the Brazilian Land- and Freshwater Shells by Dr. Luiz R. L. Simone (curator of malacology at Sao Paulo University) will be a great help with ID work for collectors worldwide. Many of the pictured shells show the holotype specimens used for the original descriptions. Data on localities and distribution, size and bibliography is included with every image. Several photos of live animals are featured and the very well organised, extensive scientific index and reference sections are further welcome additions to this most useful book on the subject.

Land Snails And Slugs Of Russia And Adjacent Countries

by Sysoev & Schileyko, 2009, HC 1.3kg AUD 120.00 (+GST)

Review: The first publication since 1952 to treat the entire fauna of terrestrial molluscs of the Palearctic. Covering 46 families, 225 genera and 781 species / subspecies in full colour. Taxonomic info for each species includes references to the original description, synonymy, data on type locality and material, size and distribution. Containing 130 colour plates of photos and an additional 12 plates of colour drawings, mostly based on the type material from various repositories, frequently published here for the first time. A great resource for any land snail enthusiast.

Land Snails On The Solomon Islands Vol 1: Placostylidae

by Delsaerdt, 2010, hardcover 1.2kg AUD 110.00 (+GST)

Review: Part 1 of 3 publications on Solomon Landsnails offers a 132-page comparative field study of the 33 Placostyla species found in the Solomon Islands. A thorough overview of existing literature on the subject, incl. hypotheses for origin and dispersal of these Landsnails on the Solomon Islands from east to west. Great for collectors of tropical terrestrial snails: Excellent support for ID work by detailed images; 14 full colour plates, along with numerous b/w photos, detailed descriptions and distribution maps. Also by the same author: Vol. 2 - Camaenidae and Vol. 3 (2016) Trochomorphidae (and other LS) of the Solomons.

Land Snails On The Solomon Islands Vol 2: Camaenidae

by Delsaerdt, 2012, hardcover 1kg AUD 110.00 (+GST)

Review: Part 2 of the Landsnail book set reviews over 70 Camaenid species from the Solomon Islands, once again based on fieldwork and thorough research into existing literature on the subject. The 178-page book follows the same format as Vol. 1, although here genera are discussed from west to east, instead of the other way around. Each entry covers type material and locality, etymology of the species name, shell characteristics and distribution (incl. maps), along with a short discussion of the species in existing literature and detailed colour imaging suitable for ID work. Also by the same author: Vol. 1 - Placostylidae; Vol. 3 (2016) Trochomorphidae (and other LS) of the Solomons.

Land Snails On The Solomon Islands Vol 3: Trochomorphidae

by Delsaerdt, 2016, hardcover 1.3kg AUD 125.00 (+GST)

Review: Part 3 (final book) of the Landsnail bookset offers a 160-page revision of Trochomorphidae, along with other, smaller Landsnail families (incl. Fossils) from the Solomon Islands that were not covered in the previously published 2 volumes. These include: Helicinidae, Cyclophoridae, Diplommatinidae, Pupinidae, Assimineidae, Truncatellidae, Ellobiidae, Veronicellidae, Succineidae, Partulidae, Achatinellidae, Vertiginidae, Placostylidae, Subulinidae, Streptaxidae, Rhytididae, Caropodae, Endodontidae, Euconulidae, Helicarionidae, Ariophantidae. Published in the same format as the previous volumes, the book offeres similar in-depth additional information on every species (incl. distribution maps). Also by the same author: Vol. 1 - Placostylidae and Vol. 2 Camaenidae..

The Conch Albums - Terrestrial, Vol 1: Acavidae etc

by Poppe, Tagaro & Poppe, 2021, hardcover 1kg AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review: Aiming to provide the most complete illustrated record of the planet's land snail biodiversity, the 1st volume of the new series "The Conchological Albums - Terrestrial Molluscs" covers 261 species and 62 subspecies of Acavidae, Achatinellidae and Achatinidae (1). The beautifully produced 211-page A4 hardcover book illustrates 637 shells in HD imaging (scientific details on opposite page) for easy reference of related genera Acavus, Achatinella, Ampelita, Auriculella, Burtoa, Elasmias, Embertoniphanta, Eurystyla, Fernandezia, Helicaophanta, Lamellidea, Lissachatina, Oligospira, Stylodonta, Achatinella, Newcombia, Partulina, Perdicella, Tornatellides, Tornatellimops, Tornatellina, Tubuaia, incl. introductory remarks on systematics and scientific index.

The Conch Albums - Terrestrial, Vol 2: Achatinidae etc

by Poppe, Tagaro & Poppe, 2021, hardcover 1kg AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review:Aiming to provide the most complete illustrated record of the planet's land snail biodiversity, the 2nd volume of the new series "The Conchological Albums - Terrestrial Molluscs" covers 448 species and 13 subspecies of Achatinidae (2), Aciculidae, Agardhiellidae, Amastridae, Amphibulimidae & Argnidae. The beautifully produced 217-page A4 hardcover book illustrates 734 shells in HD imaging (scientific details on opposite page) for easy reference of related genera Acicula, Agardhiella, Allopeas, Amastra, Amastrella, Amphibulima, Angulidens, Argna, Atropocochlis, Beckianum, Bocageia, Callistoplepa, Carelia, Ceras, Coeliaxis, Columna, Curvella, Dictyoglessula, Dryptus, Dysopeas, Eremopeas, Eudolichotis, Glessula, Ilikala, Kauaia, Kempioconcha, Laminella, Leptachatina, Leptinaria, Lignus, Limicolaria, Lissachatina, Menkia, Metachatina, Metamastra, Neobeliscus.. (and many more), incl. introductory remarks on systematics and scientific index.

The Conch Albums - Terrestrial, Vol 3: Annulariidae etc

by Poppe, Tagaro & Poppe, 2021, hardcover 1kg AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review: Aiming to provide the most complete illustrated record of the planet's land snail biodiversity, the 3rd volume of the new series "The Conchological Albums - Terrestrial Molluscs" covers 421 species and 41 subspecies of Annullariidae, Ariophantidae, Azecidae, Bothriembryontidae (1). The beautifully produced 199-page A4 hardcover book illustrates 703 shells in HD imaging (scientific details on opposite page) for easy reference of related genera Abbottella, Abbottipoma, Adamsiella, Annularia, Annularops, Annularisca, Annularita, Arenabbottella, Apastus, Bothriembryon, Blaesospira, Callistocharis.. (and many more), incl. introductory remarks on systematics and scientific index.

The Conch Albums - Terrestrial, Vol 4: Bothriembryontidae (2) etc

by Poppe, Tagaro & Poppe, 2021, hardcover 1kg AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review: Aiming to provide the most complete illustrated record of the planet's land snail biodiversity, the 4th volume of the new series "The Conchological Albums - Terrestrial Molluscs" covers 341 species and 60 subspecies of Bothriembryontidae (2) & Bulimulidae (1). The beautifully produced 209-page A4 hardcover book illustrates 638 shells in HD imaging (scientific details on opposite page) for easy reference of related genera Anctus, Auris, Berendtia, Bocourtia, Bostryx, Bulimulus, Cochlorina, Discoleus, Euplacostylus, Graptostracus, Kora, Leucocharis, Naesiotus, Neopetraeus, Otostomus, Oxychona, Placostylus, Plecostylus, Protoglyptus, Rabdotus, Santacharis, Scutalus, incl. introductory remarks on systematics and scientific index.

The Conch Albums - Terrestrial, Vol 5: Camaenidae (1), Bulimulidae (2)

by Poppe, Tagaro & Poppe, 2021, hardcover 1kg AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review: Aiming to provide the most complete illustrated record of the planet's land snail biodiversity, the 5th volume of the new series "The Conchological Albums - Terrestrial Molluscs" covers 301 species and 49 subspecies of Bulimulidae (Nr. 2) & Camaenidae (Nr. 1). The beautifully produced 197-page A4 hardcover book illustrates 587 shells in HD imaging (scientific details on opposite page) for easy reference of related genera Acusta, Aegista, Ainohelix, Bradybaena, Buliminidius, Cathaica, Coelorus, Dolicheulota, Drymaeus, Euhadra, Ezohelix, Fruticicola, Guamampa, Karaftohelix, Laeocathaica, Landouria, Mandarina, Metodontia, Nesiohelix, Phaeohelix, Pseudobuliminus, Satsuma, Trichocathaica, Trishoplita, incl. introductory remarks on systematics and scientific index.

The Conch Albums - Terrestrial, Vol 6: Camaenidae (2)

by Poppe, Tagaro & Poppe, 2021, hardcover 1kg AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review: Aiming to provide the most complete illustrated record of the planet's land snail biodiversity, the 6th volume of the new series "The Conchological Albums - Terrestrial Molluscs" covers 181 species and 21 subspecies of Camaenidae (Nr. 2). The beautifully produced 197-page A4 hardcover book illustrates 646 shells in A1 HD imaging (scientific details on opposite page) for easy reference of related genera Aegista, Amphidromus, Anceyoconcha, Buliminidius, Fruticicola, Pancala, Plectotropis, Ponsadenia, Pseudaspasita, Pseudobuliminus, Satsuma, Stenogyropsis, Stilpnodiscus, Traumatophora, Tricheulota, Trichocathaica, Trishoplita, Yakuchloritis, incl. introductory remarks on systematics and scientific index.

The Conch Albums - Terrestrial, Vol 7: Camaenidae (3)

by Poppe, Tagaro & Poppe, 2022, hardcover 1kg AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review: Aiming to provide the most complete illustrated record of the planet's land snail biodiversity, Volume 7 of the new series "The Conchological Albums - Terrestrial Molluscs" covers 167 species and 21 subspecies of Camaenidae (Nr. 3)The beautifully produced 197-page A4 hardcover book illustrates 646 shells in superb HD imaging (scientific details on opposite page, 97 full plates) for easy reference of related genera, incl. introductory remarks on systematics and scientific index.

The Conch Albums - Terrestrial, Vol 8: Camaenidae (4)

by Poppe, Tagaro & Poppe, 2022, hardcover 1kg AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review: Aiming to provide the most complete illustrated record of the planet's land snail biodiversity, Volume 8 of the new series "The Conchological Albums - Terrestrial Molluscs" covers 259 species and 20 subspecies of Camaenidae (Nr. 4). The beautifully produced 183-page A4 hardcover book illustrates 463 shells in amazing HD imaging (scientific details on opposite page, 83 full plates) for easy reference of related genera, incl. introductory remarks on systematics and scientific index.

The Conch Albums - Terrestrial, Vol 9: Camaenidae (5)

by Poppe, Tagaro & Poppe, 2022, hardcover 1kg AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review: Aiming to provide the most complete illustrated record of the planet's land snail biodiversity, Volume 9 of the new series "The Conchological Albums - Terrestrial Molluscs" shows 274 species and 8 subspecies and continues coverage of Camaenidae (Nr. 5). The beautifully produced 207-page A4 hardcover book illustrates 536 shells in great HD imaging (scientific details on opposite page, 95 full colour plates) for easy reference of related genera, incl. introductory remarks on systematics and scientific index.

The Conch Albums - Terrestrial, Vol 10: Camaenidae (6)

by Poppe, Tagaro & Poppe, 2022, hardcover 1kg AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review: Aiming to provide the most complete illustrated record of the planet's land snail biodiversity, the 6th volume of the new series "The Conchological Albums - Terrestrial Molluscs" covers the subfamily Helicostylinae (114 species and 20 subspecies) in  Camaenidae (Nr. 6). The beautifully produced 203-page A4 hardcover book illustrates 536 shells in fabulous HD imaging (scientific details on opposite page, 95 full colour plates) for easy reference of the Helicostylinae genera, incl. introductory remarks on systematics and scientific index.

The Conch Albums - Terrestrial, Vol 11: Camaenidae (7)

by Poppe et al, 2022, HC 1kg AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review:Aiming to provide the most complete illustrated record of the planet's land snail biodiversity, the 11th volume of the new series "The Conchological Albums - Terrestrial Molluscs" illustrates 548 specimens of 165 different species and 27 subspecies of Camaenidae, Canariellidae, Caryodidae, Cepolidae and Cerastidae. The beautifully produced 191-page A4 hardcover book offers A1 HD imaging on 86 full colour plates in a very helpful format (scientific details on opposite page) for easy reference of related genera, incl. introductory remarks on systematics and scientific index.

The Conch Albums - Terrestrial, Vol 12: Cerionidae

by Poppe et al, 2023, HC 1kg AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review: Aiming to provide the most complete illustrated record of the planet's land snail biodiversity, the 12th volume of the new series "The Conchological Albums - Terrestrial Molluscs" illustrates 657 specimens of 280 different species and 61 subspecies of Cerionidae, Charopidae, Chondrinidae and Chronidae. The beautifully produced 173-page A4 hardcover book offers A1 HD imaging on 77 full colour plates in a very helpful format (scientific details on opposite page) for easy reference of related genera, incl. introductory remarks on systematics and scientific index.

The Conch Albums - Terrestrial, Vol 13: Clausiliidae (1)

by Poppe et al, 2023, HC 1kg AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review: Aiming to provide the most complete illustrated record of the planet's land snail biodiversity, the 13th volume of the new series "The Conchological Albums - Terrestrial Molluscs" illustrates 709 specimens of 220 different species and 141 subspecies of Clausiliidae (subfamily Alopiinae). The beautifully produced 173-page A4 hardcover book offers A1 HD imaging on 77 full colour plates in a very helpful format (scientific details on opposite page) for easy reference of related genera, incl. introductory remarks on systematics and scientific index.

The Conch Albums - Terrestrial, Vol 14: Clausiliidae (2)

by Poppe et al, 2023, HC 1kg AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review: Aiming to provide the most complete illustrated record of the planet's land snail biodiversity, the 14th volume of the new series "The Conchological Albums - Terrestrial Molluscs" illustrates 696 specimens of 228 different species and 22 subspecies of Clausiliidae (subfamilies Alopiinae, Peruiniinae, Neniinae, Laminiferinae, Clausiliinae). The beautifully produced 167-page A4 hardcover book offers A1 HD imaging on 71 full colour plates in a very helpful format (scientific details on opposite page) for easy reference of related genera, incl. introductory remarks on systematics and scientific index.

The Conch Albums - Terrestrial, Vol 15: Clausiliidae (3)

by Poppe et al, 2024, HC 0.9kg AUD 103.00 (+GST)

NEW: Aiming to provide the most complete illustrated record of the planet's land snail biodiversity, the 15th volume of the new series "The Conchological Albums - Terrestrial Molluscs" illustrates 778 specimens of 378 different species (incl. 1 subspecies) of Clausiliidae (subfamilies Phaedusinae and Garnieriinae). The beautifully produced 177-page A4 hardcover book offers A1 HD imaging on 78 full colour plates in a very helpful format (scientific details on opposite page) for easy reference of related genera, incl. introductory remarks on systematics and scientific index.

The Conch Albums - Terrestrial, Vol 16: Clavatoridae (etc)

by Poppe et al, 2024, HC 0.9kg AUD 103.00 (+GST)

NEW: Aiming to provide the most complete illustrated record of the planet's land snail biodiversity, the 16th volume of the new series "The Conchological Albums - Terrestrial Molluscs" illustrates 593 specimens of 307 different species and 38 subspecies of the subfamilies of Clavatoridae, Cochlicopidae, Cochlostomatidae, Coelociontidae, Corillidae, Craspedopomatidae and Cyclophoridae. The beautifully produced 177-page A4 hardcover book offers A1 HD imaging on 78 full colour plates in a very helpful format (scientific details on opposite page) for easy reference of related genera, incl. introductory remarks on systematics and scientific index.

Marginellidae and Cysticidae Of The World

by Cossigniani, 2006, hardcover 3kg AUD 325.00 (+GST)

Review: A beautiful 408-page volume on the Marginellas and Cysticidae of the world shows the beautiful shiny shells in incredible detail. Divided into 8 main geographical sections, each accompanied by a summary text, list of species and further bibliographical references, the book also offers a general taxonomic overview, info on fossil species and extensive alphabetical & photographic indices. Excellent HD images offer opportunity for ID work. Several specimens per species are frequently shown (often considerably magnified) side by side, to illustrate possible pattern/colour variations of many exceedingly variable species. Every image has captions with essential infos on name, / locality / size of the specimen. Several drawings from previous publications, additional maps plus other helpful references (for internet & magazines) further enhance the text. Multilingual text in English / Italian / French.

Mitridae & Costellariidae

by Robin & Martin, 2004, hardcover 0.6kg AUD 50.00 (+GST)

Review: This hardcover edition of the Mitre series, published by Xenophora (French Shell Club magazine), shows a very large range of Mitres (over 500 species) on 64 full colour plates. Focussing on Red Sea, Indian Ocean and Australian species, the publication illustrates many of the very small Mitridae for the very first time and will be a great help with reference and identification. The text lists most synonyms of the illustrated species and includes a scientific name index and bibliography. Bilingual text in English / French. A must-have for the Mitre collector.


Recent Cassidae

by Kreipl, 1997, hardcover 0.85kg AUD 60.00 (+GST)

Review: This fabulous book on the small and interesting Cassidae family (Helmet shells) deals with all described  species at the time of publication and attempts to incorporate modern systematics and nomenclature. 151 pages of detailed descriptions and great colour images on 24 full colour plates make this book extremely helpful for identification work. Additional information includes extensive bibliography and index of taxa. A most useful book for the Cassis collector.

Illustrated Catalogue Of Recent Species Of Muricidae

by Houart, 1994, hardcover 1kg AUD 35.00 (+GST)

Review:  This 178-page publication fills the large gap in literature about this family, updating the comprehensive work of Mr. Vokes, published in 1971. In the 30-odd years since, more than 380 species of Muricidae have been described new to science in a series of different publications. This book provides insight into the new species and genera named recently and offers 8 colour plates, 20 b/w plates, as well as 25 drawings of protoconchs for easier identification.

The Pulchra Complex

by Bail & Limpus, 1998, softcover 0.5kg AUD 55.00 (+GST)

REVIEW: A comprehensive, detailed study of a series of 14 adjacent populations of Volutes from Eastern Australia. Two new species are clearly identifiable as new and described for the first time. Several subspecies are newly established. The 79 pages of text are discussing taxonomy, classification, distribution and habitats of these shells. Amply illustrated by 263 individual colour plates and supported by numerous coloured maps, a scientific name index and bibliography, this is a highly informative publication about the fascinating Cymbiola / Cymbiolacca Volutes from this area.

Bursidae Of The World

by Cossignani & Cossignani, 1994, hardcover 0.9kg AUD 85.00 (+GST)

Review: This 119-page publication shows 64 species and subspecies of the Bursidae family in over 150 full colour (annotated) images. Many of the species are illustrated with several different specimens, all including detailed descriptions and further comments on average sizes, distribution, habitat, etc. Published bilingually, with English / Italian text. 

Spiny Oysters

by Lamprell, 2006, limited ed., hardcover, 0.7kg AUD 50.00 (+GST)

Review: Kevin Lamprell's final revision of the living Spondylus species of the world. This A4 formatted book is a great reference on the infinitely variable Spiny Oysters. It provides very useful information on general description, history, habitat, collecting, curating and storing of Spondylidae on 119 pages and includes 41 full colour plates plus numerous additional colour images of live animals in their natural habitat. Additional info, i. e. new literary references plus glossary and a complete revision of the scientific index make this book a must-have for anyone who enjoys or collects Bivalves, complementing the earlier 1986 publication.

Spondylus - Spiny Oyster Shells Of The World

by Lamprell, 1986, hardcover, 0.5kg AUD 85.00 (+GST)

Review: Kevin Lamprell's excellent original review of the living Spondylidae species of the world is now out of print. We still have a few new copies available of this very helpful book. Along with the follow-up publication "Spiny Oysters" (2006), the 2 volumes currently cover the largest range of species in the family, especially many hard to classify Australian and Indian Ocean taxa. The A4 formatted hardcover provides helpful information re. description, history, habitat, collecting, curating and storing of Spondylidae, with numerous full colour plates, glossary and scientific index. Complementing the later (2006) publication, it's a must-have for Spondylus collectors.

Bivalved Seashells Of The Red Sea

by Oliver, 1992,  hardcover 2kg AUD 110.00 (+GST)

Review: A comprehensive overview illustrating the amazing variety of Bivalvia from the Red Sea and the Gulf of Arabian Sea, Aden. On 330 pages of detailed descriptions with 748 drawings and 46 colour plates, the author  attempts to incorporate modern nomenclature and systematics to help reduce the valid taxa to 'just' 411species. The book is a useful reference work for Bivalves in this geographic area. Additional info includes comments on habitats, references and a useful index with synonyms and bibliograpy.

Bivalves Of Tropical Western America

by Coan & Valentich-Scott, 2012, hardcover, 5kg AUD 280.00 (+GST)

Review: Lauded as "a magnificent, full-colour revision of the subject", here is the most comprehensive book ever written on Pacific Bivalve species. Subtitled "Marine Bivalve Molluscs from Baja California to Peru", it's a substantial work that offers descriptions of over 890 species along with over 5000 individual images and many detailed drawings on 1258 pages. Including information on the habitats in the region - intertidal splash zones to ocean basin depths (and anything between). Additional detailed discussion of biology, ecology and systematics are supported by extensive bibliographic glossary and reference sections. The illustrated key to the superfamilies of the region is helpful for ID and classification.

West African Seashells

by R. Ardovini & T. Cossignani, 2004, hardcover 2kg AUD 160.00 (+GST)

Review: This impressive long-awaited recent 320-page book on African shells finally illustrates and describes a broad and comprehensive range (1213 different species) of the commonly encountered shells from the Western African coast. The large format with over 2180 full colour images will be able to help collectors to finally identify the wide range of amazing specimens available from this region. Additional information includes a large checklist (over 2300 species), extensive bibliography, full colour maps and handy scientific name index. Languages: English / Italian.


Malacological Fauna From The Cape Verde Archipelago

by Rolan, 2005, softcover 1.8kg AUD 85.00 (+GST)

Review: An illustrated guide to the molluscs from the remote Cape Verde Islands off the coast of Africa, West Coast. Contributions by several authors focus in detail on the Gastropoda, as well as on the interesting Polyplacophoriidae (Chitons - H. Strack) from this area in the first part of the book. The second part deals with the Opisthobranchia (Nudibrachs - J. Ortea) and Land/Freshwater Shells (K. Groh) of the area. One of the most interesting features of the book is its particularly well-researched and useful review of the Conidae from this remote region. The 92 colour plates are accompanied by 440 pages of detailed text descriptions and further information, a superb bibliography section and a scientific name index.


Shells Of Vietnam

by Thach, 2005, hardcover 1.6kg AUD 105.00 (+GST)

Review: This illustrated guide to the molluscs of the China Sea and eastern Indo-China region shows over 1500 different species of terrestrial, freshwater and marine shells from 137 different families in colour. Detailed descriptions and additional information for every species are added on 339 pages of well researched and reviewed text. Includes large scientific index and reference section, making this a useful book and a valuable help with ID work and classification for anyone interested in the molluscs of the region.


BeautifulCowries Magazine Nr. 1

by Marco Passamonti, May 2012, SC magazine 0.3kg (reprint) - sold out, sorry!

Review: BCM Nr. 1 was sold out around the world in record time! This 3rd reprint of the first issue magazine exclusively devoted to Cowries / Cypraeidae, features articles: "A second review of Zoila rosselli edingeri Raybaudi, 1990"; "A closer look at rufinistic and albino Zoila"; "Albino forms of Cypraea tigris (Linnaeus, 1758)"; "…more about white tigris"; "An unusual specimen on Zoila friendii"; "Zoila mariellae Raybaudi 1983 is likely to be Zoila decipiens Smith 1880 (discuss..)"; P. Clarkson: A rare find off Exmouth"; "Lycina leucodon"; M. Bergonzoni: "A short Maldivian divagation"; J. K. Lee: "Neobernaya spadicea (Swainson, 1823"); M. Scali: "Masirah Island: an unexpected opportunity"; M. Passamonti: "The Cowrie market and what the Tulip mania may teach us". Targeting some of the rarest and most famous Cowrie and Zoila species, the very first issue of the magazine in particular is a must-have for all Cowrie enthusiasts.

BeautifulCowries Magazine Nr. 2

by Marco Passamonti, December 2012, SC magazine 0.3kg AUD 35.00 (+GST)

Review: Full-colour magazine devoted to Cypraeidae. The 2nd 64-page issue features articles by M. Bergonzoni: Barycypraea fultoni; D. Edinger: Insight into the dwarf forms of Zoila jeaniana sherylae (Raybaudi, 1990) and Zoila rosselli satiata (Lorenz, 2002); F. Lorenz, M. Chiapponi & M. A. Mont: Hybrids in Cypraeidae; F. Govaert & J. Deprez: Zoila thersites eburnea and little known variations; M. Mangum: Lyncina leviathan in USA, Hawaii; J. Batt: A seldom seen variety of Zoila friendii friendii; M. Hiscock: Form names for Australia’s ‘Gold’ Zoila; F. Lorenz: The range of Austrasiatica hirasei (Roberts, 1913); T. Vulliet: Monetaria annulus ‘Rusty’; M. Passamonti: DNA – Part 1; M. Bergonzoni: Erosaria irrorata or Baria erosa? A must-have magazine for every Cowrie collector.

BeautifulCowries Magazine Nr. 3

by Marco Passamonti, May 2013, SC magazine 0.3kg AUD 35.00 (+GST)

Review: Full-colour magazine devoted to Cypraeidae. The 3rd 62-page issue features articles by M. Scali: Barycypraea teuleri; M. Beals: Nucleolaria granulata cassiaui - An overview and observations; R. Aiken, Els, Marais & Mauve: Coronata; F. Govaert: Naria ostergaardi (Dall, 1921) and variations; J. Batt: Eclogavena coxeni coxeni; M. Bergonzoni: The Zonaria pyrum complex; F. Favero: An unusual Erronea adusta from Thailand; M. Passamonti: DNA – Part 2: a basic guide for cowry lovers to the use of DNA in taxonomy; M. Erlendur Okon: On dwarfs and giants.

A must-have magazine for every Cowrie collector.

BeautifulCowries Magazine Nr. 4

by Marco Passamonti, December 2013, SC magazine 0.3kg AUD 30.00 (+GST)

Review: Full-colour magazine devoted to Cypraeidae. The 4th 62-page issue features 2 new descriptions and articles by D. Lum: A new species of Lyncina from USA, Hawaii; M. Passamonti: Hybrids on cowries: how to recognize them?; D. Daughenbaugh & Beals, M.: A Review of the Viable and Emigrant Populations of Tropical Eastern Pacific Cypraeidae; J. Sprague: Zoila friendii thersites f. 'contraria' - rarest of all 'golden' Zoila; F. Favero: Naria amarcki redimita f. phuketensis; M. Bergonzoni: Let's make some order in the Erronea onyx species complex; M. Erlendur Okon: On dwarfs & giants, Part. 2.

A must-have magazine for every Cowrie collector.

BeautifulCowries Magazine Nr. 5

by Marco Passamonti, June 2014, SC magazine 0.3kg AUD 35.00 (+GST)

Review: Full-colour magazine devoted to Cypraeidae. The 5th issue features 62 pages with articles by Bergonzoni, M.: Zoila marginata ketyana - its variability and interconnections to Zoila marginata marginata. Scali, M.: Barycypraea teuleri, going back to the recently discovered new population. Lorenz, F.: New findings of Zoila raywalkeri Lorenz, 2013. Aiken, R., Jooste, P. & Els, M.: Cypraeovula capensis - a species of diversity and beauty.
Woodcock, M. J.: Cowries of Bangladesh. The northern limit of Cypraeidae from Bay of Bengal. Bergonzoni, M.: Paraphyletic or monophyletic: considerations and some case studies in cowries. Okon, M. E.: On dwarfs & giants, Part 3. Lorenz, F.: A critical look at Lycina aliceae Lum, 2013. Once again an interesting issue for all Cowrie and Zoila collectors.

BeautifulCowries Magazine Nr. 6

by Marco Passamonti, May 2015, SC magazine 0.6kg AUD 72.00 (+GST)

Review:  Issue Nr. 6 is a 118-page double-volume of the full-colour magazine, entirely devoted to Cypraeidae mappa - Map Cowries. Authors M. Bergonzoni and M. Passamonti's article "A monograph on Leporicypraea mappa: a taxonomic and evolutionary puzzle" surveys the evolution, taxonomy, morphology and geographic distribution of the species and its types in detail. Along with excellent high definition photography of typical examples of C. mappa  on 77 colour plates and additional illustrations, the article also contains an ID key and re-evaluates the DNA data, based on the geographic distribution. For collectors of Map Cowries, this would be a particularly helpful magazine.

BeautifulCowries Magazine Nr. 7

by Marco Passamonti, December 2015, SC magazine 0.35kg AUD 35.00 (+GST)

Review: Full-colour 74-page issue 7 of the Cypraeidae magazine focuses on many fascinating Cowrie species, featuring articles by Bergonzoni: A new Palmadusta asellus from Africa, Madagascar; Earle-Sprague: Cypraea valentia Perry, 1811; Lorenz & Vulliet: The Snow-Flaked Snake-Head Cowry; Lorenz: A dwarf variation of Talparia talpa; Daughenbaugh: A Review of the Cypraeidae of the French Polynesian Marquesas Islands; Daughenbaugh: A Review of the Cypraeidae of the South Pacific Pitcairn Group of Islands (Pitcairn Group) and Seamounts; Munoz Sánchez: [Re.] most common cowries in the East Coast of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) [2013-2014]; Doneddu: Erronea caurica (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Mediterranean; Erlendur Okon: On Dwarfs & Giants - Part 4. Lum: Lyncina aliceae Lum, 2013 - a valid species. Another interesting issue for all Cowrie collectors wishing to keep up to date with newly described species.

BeautifulCowries Magazine Nr. 8

by Marco Passamonti, December 2016, SC magazine 0.30kg AUD 35.00 (+GST)

Review: Issue 8 of the Cypraeidae magazine contains 66 pages and focuses among others on Z. rosselli and New Caledonia forms of C. mappa. Featuring articles by Bergonzoni: Notes on Eclogavena coxeni and the rediscovery of the mysterious steineri; Aiken re. genus Cypraeovula Gray, 1824 from South Africa; Earle-Sprague: The magnificent Bernier Island form of Zoila rosselli; Bergonzoni: The cowries of G. R. Sulliotti; Munoz Sánchez re. Zonaria pyrum insularum f. nigromarginata in Gran Canaria; Fehse: Umbilia eximia; Passamonti & Vulliet: A new mappa in New Caledonia? Interesting magazine for Cowrie collectors wishing to keep up to date with newly described species.

BeautifulCowries Magazine Nr. 9

by Marco Passamonti, 2018, SC magazine 0.50kg AUD 65.00 (+GST)

Review: Issue 9 of Beautiful Cowries Magazine contains 102 pages and is a must-have publication for anyone who likes Erronea caurica. Including an in-depth analysis by M. Bergonzoni of that species and its variations, subspecies and forms, the 9th issue also offers articles on Mauritia histrio, arabica and grayana, as well as on C. achatidea, C. spadicea, C. leucodon, leviathan, tuberculigera, and purple Cowries from Leyte. Another interesting issue for all Cowrie collectors wishing to keep up to date with newly described species.

BeautifulCowries Magazine Nr. 10

by Marco Passamonti, 2019, SC magazine 0.40kg AUD 55.00 (+GST)

Review: The full-colour 90-page issue 10 of Beautiful Cowries Magazine is offering 21 full colour plates and text illustrations. Incl. once again interesting articles covering  "Mosaic rufinism", 'Concholysis in Cowries' and looks at the holotypes of Cowries in the Linnean collection in London. It's the must-have publication for Cowrie collectors wishing to keep up to date with newly described species.

BeautifulCowries Magazine Nr. 11

by Marco Passamonti, 2022, SC magazine 0.70kg AUD 90.00 (+GST)

Review: This long overdue double-sized (174 pages!) full-colour issue 11 of Beautiful Cowries Magazine offers a lavish 127 plates plus numerous text illustrations. Articles incl. new descriptions include: "Zoila jeaniana praeclara", "The Zoila friendii group" [with 125 plates], "Again on Linnaeus' Types", "100 Cowries (Part 1)", "Naria turdus Hauling from the Indian Ocean", "On Selling Fake Cowries". This is another must-have publication for Cowrie collectors wishing to keep up to date with newly described species.

Conchylia Nr. 41 - New Marine Bivalves

by Club Conchylia, 12/2010, SC magazine 0.5kg AUD 20.00 (+GST)

Review: For the most part, this 33-page issue of Conchylia Magazine updates author Markus Huber's recent work on the formal description and designation of holotypes for 23 further bivalve species and type species for 2 bivalve genera (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Another important issue of the bilingual German / English magazine with excellent b/w and full colour images and many additional detailed text illustrations. Recommended for all Bivalve collectors and updating the excellent "Compendium Of Bivalves" reference work by the same author.

Conchylia Nr. 45 - New Conidae, Cypraeidae, Mitridae, etc.

by Club Conchylia, 2015, SC magazine 1.1kg AUD 45.00 (+GST)

Review: With many important new descriptions in several families, this is a particularly interesting 87-page issue of Conchylia Magazine. With articles by Marrow; Lorenz & Brown; Fehse & Trigo; Houart & Lorenz; Herrmann & Chino, etc. Newly described taxa include: Vexillum (Vexillum) croceostoma n. sp., Cyphoma eludens n. sp., Naquetia rondae n. sp., Simnia jacintoi n. sp., Conus (Sciteconus) algoensis norpothi n. ssp., Thala minagaorum n. sp., Thala kawabei n. sp., Mitra brunetta n. sp., Talparia talpa lutani n. ssp.

Conchylia Nr. 54 - New Conidae, Cypraeidae, Mitridae, etc.

by Club Conchylia, 2023, SC magazine 1kg AUD 60.00 (+GST)

Review: A very nice 84-page issue of Conchylia Magazine. With articles by Liverani & Pirazzini, (Strombidae); Marrow (Mitridae); García & Salisbury (Mitridae); Morrison (Volutidae); Dekker & Günther (Angariidae); Alf & Wieneke (Strombidae); Marrow (Costellariidae); Wiese, Boeters, Brenzinger, Colling & Schrödl (Sadleriana bavarica); Morrison & Schneider (Bothriembryontidae). New taxa: Isara bobreedi n. sp., Panamitra n. gen., Paramoria leeuwinensis n. sp., Angaria queenslandica n. sp., Austromitra diamantina n. sp., Austromitra doningtonensis n. sp., Austromitra hewittae n. sp., Austromitra leeuwinensis n. sp., Austromitra quadrilineata n. sp., Austromitra vercoi n. sp., Austromitra westralis n. sp., Austromitra whissoni n. sp., Austromitra translucida n. sp., Austromitra rottnestensis n. sp., Bothriembryon bicinctus n. sp., Bothriembryon rusticus n. sp., Bothriembryon corylus n. sp..

Acta Conchyliorum Nr. 10 - News On Cowries And Their Allies

by Club Conchylia, 03/2009, SC magazine 0.5kg AUD 50.00 (+GST)

Review: Also focusing on Fossil Cowries and Allied Cowries, the magazine offers 7 contributing articles to the knowledge of fossil and recent Cypraeidae, Eocypraeidae & Pediculariidae by authors Chiapponi, de Bruin, Fehse & Lorenz. An important publication for anyone interested in this subject, the 60-page German / English language magazine offers excellent b/w and full colour images, along many additional detailed text illustrations. Few publications deal with this subject, so this is a most rewarding read particularly for any Cypraeidae collector who is also interested in the fossil record of the family. See also Chris Goudey's book "A Pictorial Guide Of Australian Fossil Cowries And Their Allies" (2016) on this same subject!

Acta Conchyliorum Nr. 16 - New Taxa Of Cowries

by Club Conchylia, 09/2017, SC magazine 0.5kg AUD 50.00 (+GST)

Review: With many new descriptions, magazine 16 of the dual language German / English magazine offers 9 major articles on the subject of living and Fossil Cowries. An important publication for Cowrie collectors (120 pages). Excellent photography and distribution maps integrate with molecular data for a rewarding read. Featuring: Erronea caurica new ssp. from West Thailand; Mauritia maculifera andreae n. ssp. from the Philippines; Bistolida stolida new ssp. from Queensland; Cypraea tigris new ssp.; new bathymetric ssp. of Austrocypraea reevei; new ssp. of Purpuradusta minoridens; new: Lyncina ventriculus johnclarkei n. ssp., Palmadusta ziczac n. ssp., Bistolida ursellus jomi n. ssp., etc. (many more). A must-have publication for Cowrie enthusiasts.

Acta Conchyliorum Nr. 18 - New Taxa Of Cowries

by Club Conchylia, 11/2019, SC magazine 0.65kg AUD 50.00 (+GST)

Review:The latest substantial (124 page) taxonomic update and information on Mitridae and Costellariidae, with many new species descriptions. The 18th Acta Conchyliorum magazine (dual language: German / English) offers several very interesting articles on Mitridae, accompanied by excellent photography and distribution maps. New species described include: Vexillum alboglobatum n. sp., Vexillum palauense n. sp., Vexillum siciliai n. sp., Alisimitra polynesiensis n.sp., Vexillum dhofarense n. sp., Vexillum mirbatense n. sp., Vexillum sigristi n. sp., Vexillum hansturneri n. sp., Vexillum pseudomonalizae n. sp., Vexillum rolani n. sp., Vexillum tenebricosum n. sp., Pusia (Pusia) paolinii n. sp., Austromitra brunneopunctata n. sp., Austromitra crayssaci n. sp, Austromitra semirosea n. sp., Austromitra koumacensis n. sp. - and many more.. A must-have publication for Mitra collectors.

Acta Conchyliorum Nr. 19 - News on Cowries and related Families

by Club Conchylia, 05/2020, SC magazine 0.6kg AUD 75.00 (+GST)

Review: With 120 pages and 35 full colour plates, this new instalment of the bilingual German / English magazine offers several interesting and important articles on the subject of living and Fossil Cowries with excellent photographic imaging. Featuring: Eclogavena coxeni salomonica new ssp.; Two new species of Umbilia from the Australian Miocene; Two new subspecies in the genus Zoila, etc. (many more). A must-have publication for Cowrie and Ovulidae enthusiasts.

Bulletins Of American Palaeontology 375: The Genus Conus

by Hendricks, 2008, softcover, 0.6kg AUD 50.00 (+GST)

Review: Subtitled: "(Mollusca: Neogastropoda) in the Plio-Pleistocene of the Southeastern United States", journal issue 375 represents a first ever comprehensive review on the 84 recent and fossil taxa of Conus from the USA, also including some from other strata or areas. Hendricks provides a systematic treatment of fossil records and introduces a new fossil morphospecies. The text includes numerous drawings and excellent b/w plates, as well as an additional ID key feature for easy referencing and identification of 20 species. Certainly a welcome addition to Cone collector libraries, especially for those collectors with particular interest in the fossil record of Conidae.

Vita Malacologica Nr. 19 - Trochoidea

by NL Malacological Society, 12/2020, SC magazine 0.35kg AUD 55.00 (+GST)

Review:The 2020 issue of "Vita Malacologica - Trochoidea" (139 pages)  is a very welcome and helpful addition to seashell libraries, particularly valuable for the substantial 36-page article by Dekkers, presenting a well-illustrated taxonomic update on the family Angariidae. Also including articles by Hoeksma & Simons (Skenea wesselinghi), Hoeksma, Rijken & Simons (Moelleria jansseni, Skeneopsoides dejongi), Willan (Eurytrochus - 2 new species), Dornellas & Simone (Detailed anatomy of Turbo petholatus). Nicely produced with excellent images, incl. 39 full-colour plates. Focusing on Trochoidea, this is an important publication for collectors of the genus and especially for everyone interested in the family Angariidae.


Visaya Nr. 1 (Vol. 1, Nr. 1)

by Conchology Inc. July 2004, SC magazine 0.26kg AUD 30.00 (+GST)

Review: The first ever published issue (July 2004) of Visaya magazine contains 16 full colour photo plates and articles by: Guido T. Poppe, Manuel J. Tenorio, Carlos M. L. Afonso and Koen Fraussen. There are 9 newly described species, namely: Calliostoma guphili n. sp., Calliostoma philippei n. sp., Calliostoma vilvensi n. sp., Tectus magnificus n. sp., Cypraea leucodon leucodon forma escotio n. f., Conus frausseni n. sp., Conus grohi n. sp., Conus terryni n. sp. and Engina ignicula sp. nov. For all seashell collectors who missed out on the first VISAYA magazine when it arrived in 2004, here is another chance to obtain the starter issue of the beautifully produced series - a joy to browse through and a great addition to any seashell library.

Visaya Nr. 2 (Vol 1, Nr. 2)

by Conchology Inc. Nov 2004, SC magazine 0.28kg AUD 30.00 (+GST)

Review: The November 2004 issue of the exciting new Visaya magazine contains articles by: E. L. Heiman, Felix Lorenz, Manuel J. Tenorio & Carlos M. L. Afonso, Gabriella Raybaudi Massilia, Eva Pip and Guido T. Poppe, as well as "Conchological Treasures from the Philippines" and "Intraspecific Variation in mauritia arabica". Descriptions of the following new species are included: Conus medoci sp. nov.; Conus chiapponorum sp. nov.; Conus vulcanus n. sp.; Conus claudiae n. sp.; Conus isabelarum n. sp.; Conus crioulus n. sp.; Conus suduirauti n. sp.; Physella winnipegensis n. sp.


Visaya Nr. 3 (Vol. 1, Nr. 3)

by Conchology Inc. Jan 2005, SC magazine 0.27kg AUD 50.00 (+GST)

Review: The January 2005 Visaya magazine issue contains articles by the following authors: Patrice Bail, Henk Dekker, Dirk Fehse, Jozef Grego, Klaus Groh, Allan Limpus, Felix Lorenz, Guido T. Poppe, Günther H. W. Sterba, and Sheila Tagaro. The following species are newly described: Guildfordia superba n. sp.; Dentiovula lissenungensis sp. nov.; Niveria brasilica nov. sp.; Pusula macaeica nov. sp.; Dolichupis virgo nov. sp.; Olivella (Janaoliva) amoni n. sp.; Notovoluta gerondiosi sp. nov.

Visaya Nr. 4 (Vol. 1, Nr. 4)

by Conchology Inc. Apr 2005, SC magazine 0.27kg AUD 25.00 (+GST)

Review: The April 2005 edition of Visaya magazine contains 59 pages with articles by the following authors: Patrick Anseeuw, Yoshihiro Goto, Mahmoud Abdi, Hugh Morrison, Guido Poppe, Sheila Tagaro, Jan Buijse, Andrey Kostin, Luigi Bozzetti and Marco Ferrario. The following species are newly described: Perotrochus tosatoi sp. nov., Rostellariella lorenzi sp. nov., Cypraea hungerfordi lovetha n. ssp., Zoila friendii marina nov. sp., Conus escondidai n. sp., Dentarene rosadoi n. sp., Tonna hardyi n. sp., Pisania rosadoi n. sp., Conus betulinus rufoluteus n. ssp.

Visaya Nr. 5 (Vol. 1, Nr. 5)

by Conchology Inc. Nov 2005, SC magazine 0.65kg AUD 75.00 (+GST)

Review: The November 2005 Visaya issue contains 148 pages with 16 articles by: Marco Chiapponi, Francisco Déniz, Winfried Engl, Koen Fraussen, José María Hernández, Felix Lorenz, Dan Massiglia, Somwag Patamakanthin, Guido T. Poppe, Colin Redfern, Emilio Rolán, Richard Salisbury, Dirk Stratmann, Frank Swinnen, Sheila Tagaro, Yves Terryn, Rene Vanwalleghem, Yves Verhaeghe, Chris Vos, John Wolff, and Gabriela Raybaudi Massilia. Among the 32 newly described species are: Solariella lupe spec. nov., Bistolida owenii piae nov. ssp., Umbilia oriettae nov. sp., Tonna alanbeui sp. nov., Babylonia magnifica sp. nov., Enigmavasum enigmaticum sp. nov., Cymbiola scottjordani n. sp., Terebra answeeuwi sp. nov., Conus guidopoppei sp. nov., three new Mitridae and Tonnidae species & many new Buccinidae.

Visaya Nr. 6 (Vol. 1, Nr. 6)

by Conchology Inc. Oct 2006, SC magazine 0.62kg AUD 65.00 (+GST)

Review: The October 2006 issue of Visaya magazine contains 124 pages, featuring 16 original articles by 20 authors on the following subjects: Bayerotrochus (1 n. sp.), Angaria (1 n. sp.), Guildfordia (1 n. sp.), Hipponyx (1 n. sp.), Trivirostra (1 n. sp.), Coriocella (1st descr. of shell), Cirsotrema (1 n. sp.), Ancilla (1 n. sp.), Hemipolygona (1 n. sp.), Fusinus (1 n. sp.), Nassarius (4 n. sp.), Calliotectum (1 n. ssp.), Mitridae (18 n. sp.).

Visaya Nr. 7 (Vol. 2, Nr. 1)

by Conchology Inc. May 2007, SC magazine 0.48kg AUD 50.00 (+GST)

Review: The May 2007 edition of Visaya magazine contains 89 pages and 35 full colour plates, featuring articles by the following authors: Dolin - Révision de Ransoniella recentes des Philippines, Mortezsohn - new ssp. of Pustularia from USA, Hawaii, Van Heesvelde & Deprez - new ssp. of Zoila from the Great Australian Bight, Lorenz - Two new Lunovula, Raines - New records from Easter Island with description of one new Ethminolia.

Visaya Nr. 8 (Vol. 2, Nr. 2)

by Conchology Inc. Nov 2007, SC magazine 0.48kg AUD 65.00 (+GST)

Review: The November 2007 edition of Visaya magazine contains 118 pages featuring articles by the following authors: Stratmann & Stahlschmidt on Calliostoma, Vincente on Tonnoidea, Snyder on Fusinus, Fehse & Grego on Triviidae, Fraussen & Poppe on Nassaria, Monsecour & Monsecour on Columbellidae, Kool & Dekker on Nassarius pauper, Bozzetti on Terebridae, Tenorio, Poppe & Tagaro on Conus recluzianus, Barbier on Conidae, Bozzetti on Epitoniidae, Huber & Ter Poorten on Frigidocardium iris, Willan & Huber on Gari juliae, including the description of several new species and ssp. A very interesting mix of articles!

Visaya Nr. 9 (Vol. 2, Nr. 3)

by Conchology Inc. Aug 2008, SC magazine 0.59kg AUD 55.00 (+GST)

Review: The August 2008 issue of Visaya magazine contains 92 pages, featuring articles by Poppe, Tagaro & Fraussen - new ssp. of Nassaria,; Verhecken - two new spp of Sculptia & one new spp of Sydaphera; Beals - new spp of Triviella; Goethaels & D. Mosecour - new spp. of Glyphostoma; Poppe - new spp. of Emarginula, Alora, Cyclonidea, two new spp. of Vexillum and six new spp. of Mitra; Fehse - new spp. of Primovula; Bail & Limpus - four new spp. of Nannamoria; Sargent & Petuch - new spp. of Oliva.

Visaya Nr. 10 (Vol. 2, Nr. 4)

by Conchology Inc. April 2009, SC magazine, 0.43kg AUD 55.00 (+GST)

Review: The April 2009 edition of Visaya magazine contains 87 pages, featuring articles by Poppe, Tagaro & Vilvens - new Clanculus (Trochidae); Kreipl & Dekker - new Turbo from Australia, WA; Buijse, Dekker & Verbinnen - new Vexillum, on Mitridae; Poppe & Tagaro - new Conus & new Terebridae from the Philippines; Chino & Stahlschmidt - new Turrid; Abbas & Krull - new Landsnail (Amphidromus). A great issue for any collectors particularly interested in Turbinidae, Mitridae or Terebridae.

Visaya Nr. 11 (Vol. 2, Nr. 5)

by Conchology Inc. Sept 2009, SC magazine, 0.5kg AUD 55.00 (+GST)

Review: The September 2009 edition of Visaya magazine contains 96 pages and 21 full colour plates, featuring articles by Moretzsohn & Beals; Blackwood; Fehse & Grego; Stahlschmidt & Fraussen; Fraussen; Montiero; and Poppe & Groh.

Visaya Nr. 12 (Vol. 2, Nr. 6)

by Conchology Inc. Jan 2010, SC magazine, 0.5kg AUD 35.00 (+GST)

Review: January 2010 issue of Visaya contains 88 pages and 31 full colour plates with articles by Mitsuo Chino, Dirk Fehse, R. M. (Mike) Filmer, Josef Grego, Eric Monnier, Peter Stahlschmidt, et al. In particular: Dolichupis leei n. sp. Fehse & Grego, 2010; Dolichupis tindigei n. sp. Fehse & Grego, 2010; Dolichupis mediagibber n. sp. Fehse & Grego, 2010; Conus dorotheae n. sp. Monnier & Limpala, 2010; P. rubrifaba n. sp. Chino & Stahlschmidt, 2010; P. roseopinna n. sp. Chino & Stahlschmidt, 2010; Plagiostropha bicolor n. sp. Chino & Stahlschmidt, 2010; Plagiostropha vertigomaeniana n. sp. Chino & Stahlschmidt, 2010.

Visaya Nr. 13 (Vol. 3, Nr. 1)

by Conchology Inc. Aug 2010, SC magazine, 0.5kg AUD 45.00 (+GST)

Review: August 2010 issue of Visaya contains 96 pages and 32 full colour plates, featuring articles: Purpuradusta gracilis nemethi n. ssp. Van Heesvelde, 2010; Abbottella (Abbottella) aenea n. sp. Watters, 2010; Leiabbottella galaxius n. sp. Watters, 2010; Ellatrivia detavorai n. sp. Fehse & Grego, 2010; Livonia mervcooperi n. sp. Bail & Limpus, 2010; Chloritis johannisi n. sp. Cilia, 2010; Zygoceras okutanii n. sp. Poppe & Tagaro, 2010; Mitrella fineti n. sp. Poppe & Tagaro, 2010; Belomitra leobrerorum n. sp. Poppe & Tagaro, 2010; Mitra baerorum n. sp. Poppe & Tagaro, 2010; Vexillum stornadi n. sp. Poppe & Tagaro, 2010; Leucotina knopi n. sp. Poppe & Tagaro, 2010; Spondylus gloriosus visayensis n. ssp. Poppe & Tagaro, 2010.

Visaya Nr. 14 (Vol. 3, Nr. 2)

by Conchology Inc. July 2011, SC magazine, 0.4kg AUD 50.00 (+GST)

Review: The July 2011 edition of Visaya magazine contains 85 pages and 33 full colour plates, featuring articles by Filmer, Grego and Szekeres. This issue is of special interest to Landsnail enthusiasts (new Asian Clausiliidae) and Conidae collectors (Taxonomic review 2011 by Mike Filmer).

Visaya Nr. 15 (Vol 3, Nr. 3)

by Conchology Inc. Aug 2011, SC magazine, 0.4kg AUD 45.00 (+GST)

Review: The August 2011 issue of Visaya magazine contains 90 pages and 31 full colour plates, featuring articles by Bail, Bozzetti, Chino, Fraussen, Limpus, Monsecour D & K, Petuch, Poppe, Sargent and Tagaro. This issue is of special interest for collectors of Volutidae (Cymbiolista sp., Melo broderipi), Strombidae (new Euprotomus), Buccinidae (new Engina sp.) and Conidae (article by Petuch & Sargent).

Visaya Nr. 16 (Vol. 3, Nr. 4)

by Conchology Inc. Nov 2011, SC magazine, 0.4kg AUD 50.00 (+GST)

Review: The November 2011 issue of Visaya magazine contains 105 pages and 39 full colour plates, featuring articles by Filmer (Taxonomic review 2011 of Conidae by Mike Filmer, Part 2), Chino [new Conopleura (Turridae)], Poppe, Tagaro & Sarino (new Fissurellidae from Namibia), Poppe, Tagaro and Bail (new Cymbiola), Huang (5 new Mitridae from Taiwan) and Petuch & Sargent (new Conus from USA, Florida).

Visaya Nr. 17 (Vol. 3, Nr. 5)

by Conchology Inc. Mar 2012, SC magazine, 0.3kg AUD 35.00 (+GST)

Review: The March 2012 edition of Visaya magazine contains 61 pages and 21 full colour plates plus many more excellent images throughout the text. Featuring articles incl. new descriptions by Sargent & Petuch (Olividae from Mauritius), Van Gemert (new Cerithium from PI), Monnier & Lampalaer (Dauciconus colombi, Phasmoconus alexandrei, Phasmoconus goudeyi), Poppe, Tagaro & Sarino (new Ceratoxancus from PI), Fehse (Eratoidae), Fraussen & Chino (Kanamarua magnifica),  Salisbury & Gori (Costellariidae from Taiwan).

Visaya Nr. 18 (Vol 3, Nr. 6)

by Conchology Inc. Oct 2012, SC magazine, 0.5kg AUD 50.00 (+GST)

Review: The October 2012 edition of Visaya magazine contains 105 pages and 33 full colour plates. The all-colour publication also offers many more excellent images throughout the text. Featuring Part III of Mike Filmer's Taxonomic Conidae review: The Conus collisus Complex, besides articles incl. new descriptions by Limpalaer & Monnier (Pionoconus robini from Philippines), Huang & Huang (new Capulus from Taiwan), Huang (new Fossarinid from Taiwan), Poppe, Tagaro, Crookshanks Groh & Sarino (the substantial 38-page article "A Statement On The Landsnails of Cebu", Philippines).

Visaya Nr. 19 (Vol. 4, Nr. 1)

by Conchology Inc. Feb 2013, SC magazine, 0.5kg AUD 50.00 (+GST)

Review: The February 2013 issue of Visaya magazine contains 102 pages and 42 full colour plates. The all-colour publication also offers many more excellent images throughout the text. Featuring a substantial revision of the Genus Volutoconus by Bail & Limpus, besides several articles with new descriptions, i.e. by Watters (new Licina from Caribbean, Caribbean, Haiti), Limpalaer & Monnier (Kioconus ruthae and Cylinder tagaroae from Philippines), Liverani (new Margistrombus), Monnier & Limpalaer (new Darioconus laueri from Persian Gulf), Poppe, Tagaro & Groh (new Contradusta from Philippines).

In particular the 51-page Bail & Limpus Revision incl. plates may be of considerable interest for Volutidae collectors.

Visaya Nr. 20 (Vol. 4, Nr. 2)

by Conchology Inc. May 2014, SC magazine, 0.3kg AUD 35.00 (+GST)

Review: The May 2014 edition of Visaya magazine contains 57 pages and 17 full colour plates. The all-colour publication also offers many more excellent images throughout the text. Featuring articles and new species descriptions by Chino & Hermann (new Vexillum from the Philippines and Solomon Islands); Chino (new Latiaxis from New Caledonia and the Norfolk Ridge and a new Calliotropis from the South China Sea); Chino & Stahlschmidt (four new shallow water Mitromorpha from the Western Pacific); Stahlschmidt, Poppe & Chino (new Daphnella from the Philippines); Dekkers et al (new Subcancilla from the Pacific); Poppe, Tagaro & Vilvens (three new Calliostoma from the Philippines). This issue will be of particular interest to Mitridae collectors wishing to keep up to date with newly described species.

Visaya Nr. 21 (Vol. 4, Nr. 3)

by Conchology Inc. January 2015, SC magazine, 0.4kg AUD 55.00 (+GST)

Review: January 2015 issue of Visaya contains 86 pages and 30 excellent full colour plates, incl. many additional illustrations throughout the text. Featuring articles and new species descriptions by Poppe, G. T., Tagaro, S. P. & Sarino, J.: A New Bradybaenidae and Two New Diplommatinidae from the Philippines; Poppe, G. T., Tagaro, S. P. & Stahlschmidt, P.: New Shelled Molluscan Species from the Central Philippines; Chino, M.: Engina frausseni (Gastropoda: Buccinidae) n. sp.; Shih-I Huang & I-Feng Fu: Description of Three New Species of the Family Chilodontidae and the Family Calliostomatidae from Taiwan and the Yellow Sea. Groh, K.: The Ferussaciidae (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) of the Philippines. This issue will be of particular interest for anyone interested in newly described species from Asia, Australia and Oceania.

Visaya Nr. 22 (Vol. 4, Nr. 4)

by Conchology Inc. May 2014, SC magazine, 0.4kg AUD 60.00 (+GST)

Review: November 2015 issue of Visaya contains 84 pages, 32 excellent HD full colour plates and many other images, maps, drawings and tables throughout the text. Featuring articles and new species descriptions by Govaert, F., Deprez, J. & Vandenberghe, P.: The western range ssp.of Umbilia hesitata (Iredale, 1916); Fehse, D.: On the identity of Hespererato pallida Oleinik, Petuch & Aley, 2012; Fehse, D. & Van de Haar, B.: A new [Fossil] Trivia merlini n.sp. from Belgium; Salisbury, R. & Huang, S.: Notes on Cancilla isabella (Swainson, 1831) [Mitridae]; Huang, S.: New Costellariidae from Taiwan and the North Atlantic Ocean; Veldsman, S. G. & Veldsman, J. H.: Description of two new Marginella species from South Africa: Marginella olivarum and Marginella sulizeae; Thach, N. N.: Solen poppei n. sp. from Vietnam; Poppe, G. T. & Tagaro, S. P.: A spectacular new Conus (Conidae) from the Philippines; Poppe, G. T., Salisbury, R. & Tagaro, S. P.: Two new Mitridae from the Central Pacific. This issue will be of particular interest to collectors of Conidae , Mitridae and Cypraeidae wishing to keep up to date.

Visaya Nr. 23 (Vol. 4, Nr. 5)

by Conchology Inc. June 2016, SC magazine, 0.5kg AUD 65.00 (+GST)

Review: The June 2016 issue contains 103 pages and 35 HD colour plates, along with additional illustrations throughout the text. Featuring articles and new species descriptions by Huang, Fu & Poppe: Taiwanese and Philippine Colloniidae; Anseeuw: Two New Pleurotomariid Ssp. from the South Pacific; Fehse & Van de Haar: Errata - Contributions to the Knowledge of the Triviidae, XXVII, incl. A New Trivia from the Plio-Pleistocene of Knokke, Belgium; Veldsman, Veldsman & Aiken: Review of Marginella ornata and Description of Three New Species: Marginella donaikeni n. sp., Marginella rubrovittata n. sp. and Marginella roseoflavescens n. sp. from South Africa; Simone & Takashigue: A New Species of Cribrarula from Japan; Poppe & Tagaro: New Marine Mollusks from the Central Philippines in the Families Aclididae, Chilodontidae, Cuspidariidae, Nuculanidae, Nystellidae, Seraphsidae and Vanikoridae. This issue will be of particular interest to collectors of Trochidae, Pleurotomariidae and Marginellidae.

Visaya Nr. 24 (Vol. 4, Nr. 6)

by Conchology Inc. April 2017, SC magazine, 0.45kg AUD 55.00 (+GST)

Review: The April 2017 issue of Visaya contains 98 pages and 28 excellent HD colour plates, along with additional illustrations. This is a must-have publication for collectors of Conidae and Mitridae, featuring a large number of new species descriptions and articles by Poppe & Tagaro: New Conidae from the Central Philippines. Huang & Salisbury: Magnamitra n. gen. and Nomenclatural Remarks on Large Cancilla and Mitra from Taiwan and the Philippines; Huang: Nine New Species and One New Name of the Family Costellariidae from Taiwan, Japan and the Philippines; Sigwart & McLean: Contribution of Caulerpa spp. to Marine Mollusc Species Richness in the Megadiverse Philippines; Grego & Szekeres: New Clausiliidae from China; Okon: 'apices', etc.

Visaya Nr. 25 (Vol. 5, Nr. 1)

by Conchology Inc. May 2018, SC magazine, 0.6kg AUD 80.00 (+GST)

Review: The first issue in 2018 of Visaya contains over 100 pages accompanied by excellent HD colour plates and additional illustrations. This is a must-have publication for collectors of Turridae, featuring a large number of new species description articles (also including Pioconus aliwalensis, Microdrillia rhomboidales, Clathurella colombi, Tritonoturris sottoae & difficilis, Splendrillia bozzetti, several Clavus and Cancellaria species), etc. A very interesting magazine issue.

Visaya Nr. 26 (Vol. 5, Nr. 2)

by Conchology Inc. March 2019, SC magazine, 0.4kg AUD 60.00 (+GST)

Review: The second 2019 issue of Visaya contains 87 pages, accompanied by many excellent full page HD colour plates and additional text illustrations. This publication will be of interest for collectors of Conidae, Muricidae, Costellariidae, Colubrariidae and Cerithiopsidae, featuring new species descriptions (incl. new  Margaritidae, Calliostomatidae from Taiwan, Japan and the Philippines; new Terebellum from central Philippines; new Cerithiopsidae from the Philippines and Samoa; new Babelomurex from Taiwan, Japan and the Philippines; new Pusia from Kwajalein; article on Conidae from Mactan Channel and related species; new Colubrariidae from Indo-Pacific and Cecalupo & Perugia: New Species of Cerithiopsidae from Papua New Guinea - Errata).

Visaya Nr. 27 (Vol. 5, Nr. 3)

by Conchology Inc. October 2019, SC magazine, 0.5kg AUD 70.00 (+GST)

Review: The third 2019 issue of Visaya contains over 102 pages with an interesting selection of articles (i.e. "The Conus sulcatus species complex in the Philipines", etc.) and many new descriptions. This publication will be of special interest for collectors of Marginellidae, Conidae, Landsnails and especially Mitridae. New species descriptions include: 10 new species of Marginellidae from Eastern South Africa, 2 new Amphidromus from Vietnam, 13 new species of Mitridae from Taiwan and the Indo-West Pacific, a new Calliostoma from the west coast of Panama, Collonista hoatkoe n. sp. from Taiwan, etc, accompanied by many excellent full page HD colour plates and additional text illustrations.

Visaya Nr. 28 (Vol. 5, Nr. 4)

by Conchology Inc. 2020, SC magazine, 0.3kg AUD 65.00 (+GST)

Review: The 2020 issue of Visaya contains 65 pages and will be of particular interest to Volute collectors, offering a substantial amount of new descriptions, incl. Poppe & Tagaro (new subgenus & 3 new ssp) and many new taxa (various genera / subgenera) by Okon. Other new species descriptions include Trochidae from Okinawa, Drilliidae from the Philippines, Neritidae from Morocco, Calliostomatidae from South Africa and 6 new Clausiliidae species from Southern China. The beautifully produced magazine also offers 14 full colour plates and additional text illustrations.

Visaya Nr. 29 (Vol. 5, Nr. 5)

by Conchology Inc. 2021, SC magazine, 0.6kg AUD 81.00 (+GST)

Review: The 2021 substantial issue of Visaya offers a very interesting mix of articles on 136 pages, by Dekkers et al (Strombidae), Veldsman (Marginellidae), Veldsmann (Muricidae), Galindo (Helicidae), Huang (Mitridae), Dharma (Cyclotus), Dharma (Pleuroploca), Aiken (Turridae) and Ardovini et al (Strombidae & Marginellidae). With several important recent taxonomic updates and of special interest for collectors of Marginellidae, Strombidae, Mitridae, Land Snails, Muricidae, Fasciolariidae and Turridae, incl. many new species descriptions. The beautifully produced latest journal offers 39 full colour plates and numerous additional text illustrations.

Visaya Nr. 30 (Vol. 5, Nr. 6)

by Conchology Inc. 2023, SC magazine, 0.5kg AUD 75.00 (+GST)

Review: The 30th issue of Visaya (August 2023) offers 104 pages of articles, incl. authors Poppe & Tagaro: "A Spectacular New Crosseola from the Philippines"; "A New Acteon from West Africa"; "The Acteonidae of the Philippines. A short Study with the Description of newly discovered Species"; "New Species of Nuculanidae from the Philippines" and "Three New Species of Conus from the Indo-Pacific and on Wrong Interpretations on Conidae in the Literature", plus Aiken & Page: "Description of Two New Species of Terrestrial Molluscs In the Genus Cochlitoma A. Férussac, 1821 from Eastern South Africa", Terryn: "Maculauger alveolatus (Hinds, 1844) revisited, with the description of three new species", Pozzi: "Notes on the Pulchra complex: Description of a New Cymbiola (Cymbiolacca) pulchra Subspecies", Hallan: "Taxonomic Description of Ericusa ianmattiskei n. sp. (Caenogastropoda: Neogastropoda: Volutidae) from the Great Australian Bight" with 26 new species described, 31 full colour plates and additional illustrations.

Visaya Nr. 31 (Vol. 6, Nr. 1)

by Conchology Inc. 2024, SC magazine, 0.3kg AUD 65.00 (+GST)

NEW: This 31st issue of Visaya (September 2024) offers 60 pages and 15 full colour plates., incl. articles by Raines: "Three New Molluscan Species from Wake Atoll (Pacific)"; Sprague: "Two New Subspecies of Southern Australian Volutes"; Salisbury & Martin: "Redescription of Mitra macandrewi with Comparisons to Vexillum cerithina", etc. There are 25 new species / ssp. described: Pseudodaphnella sonjae n. sp., Metaxia brunneopunctata n. sp., Siphonaria aurorae n. sp., Livonia roadnightae profunda n. ssp., Paramoria guntheri bishoporum n. ssp., Pseudonebularia guamensis n. sp., Pseudonebularia hemmesi n. sp., Aesopus translucidus n. sp., Aesopus corbariae n. sp., Aesopus globosa n. sp., Aesopus herberti n. sp., Aesopus lamellata n. sp., Aesopus leauae n. sp., Aesopus linilegallae n. sp., Aesopus maestrati n. sp., Aesopus virginiae n. sp., Aesopus wareni n. sp., Aoteatilia magna n. sp., Aoteatilia multispiralis n. sp., Costoanachis waltersshoalensis n. sp., Mitrella puillandrei n. sp., Mitrella zucconi n. sp.. A nice new magazine issue for those interested in Volutidae, Mitridae and Columbellidae.

Visaya Supplement 2 - Trochidae

by Conchology Inc. & Conchbooks, 2006, softcover 1.2kg AUD 85.00 (+GST)

Review: The substantial 220-page glossy new VISAYA supplement on Trochidae by Guido T. Poppe, Sheila Tagaro and Henk Dekker is the first issue published by the co-production team of Conchology, Inc. & Conchbooks. A superb full review and revision of the Trochidae of the Philippines and the south-western Pacific. The full colour volume continues the same high standard of image reproduction seen in other VISAYA issues and represents a major new work on the family, with the description of 1 new genus, 2 new subgenera, 70 new species and 1 new subspecies. Over 180 modern species of Seguenziidae, Chilodontidae, Trochidae, Calliostomatidae and Solariellidae of the Philippine Islands are discussed and illustrated on 76 full colour plates, with many additional colour images throughout the text.

Visaya Supplement 3 - The Terebridae Of Vanuatu

by Terryn & Holford, 2008, softcover 0.6kg AUD 85.00 (+GST)

Review:  With a revision of the genus Granuliterebra Oyama, 1961. Treating 66 Terebrid species from Vanuatu, 3 species and 1 genus are described new to science. Offering a comparison of the Terebrid fauna of the Philippines, New Caledonia and Santo that regards 106 taxa. 116 pages - a must-have for all Terebra collectors. Additional info includes 13 maps, 2 tables, introduction, keywords and remarks about comparison, habitat, etc.

Visaya Supplement 4 - Mitridae

by Poppe, Tagaro & Salisbury, 09/2009, softcover 0.5kg AUD 50.00 (+GST)

Review: "New Species of Mitridae and Costellariidae from the Philippines with additional information on the Philippine species in these families" by Guido T. Poppe, Sheila P. Tagaro & Richard Salisbury. A nice new 88-page Supplement to Visaya with description of 10 new Vexillum sp., 1 new Pusia sp., 12 new Mitra sp., 1 new Scabricola sp., 3 new Cancilla sp., 4 new Subcancilla sp. and 69 new records of Mitres for the Philippine islands. Really a very beautiful publication and excellent addition to all good seashell libraries - and a must-have for all collectors of Mitridae.

Visaya Supplement 5 - Triviidae (1)

by Fehse, 2015, softcover 0.65kg AUD 65.00 (+GST)

Review: "Contributions to the Knowledge of Triviidae" is the 130-page new Visaya Supplement 5 by Dirk Fehse - a comprehensive study on Triviidae, describing two new genera and focusing especially on new species from the central Indo-Pacific, Pacific and SW Indian Ocean. Almost all newly described taxa are from deep sea down to 1000 m - including from the Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia, Australia and Marquesas. New genera: Gregoia n. gen. with 16 new species, and Novatrivia n. gen. with 3 new species, as well as the new taxa Trivellona gilbertoi n. sp., Trivellona aliquando n. sp., Trivellona samadiae n. sp., Trivirostra prosilia n. sp., Trivirostra declivis n. sp., Trivirostra lacrima n. sp., Cleotrivia rustica n. sp., Cleotrivia dissimilis n. sp., Purpurcapsula laurae n. sp.

Visaya Supplement 6 - Cymbiolacca

by Bail & Limpus, 2015, softcover 0.6kg AUD 55.00 (+GST)

Review: This 95-page 6th Visaya Supplement on Australian Volutes offers a "New Revision of the Subgenus Cymbiolacca Iredale, 1929" and updates the "Pulchra Complex" (1998) by Bail & Limpus. What is now recognized as the subgenus Cymbiolacca, includes 5 new species: C. (Cymbiolacca) cracenta McMichael, 1963, C. (Cymbiolacca) complexa Iredale, 1924, C. (Cymbiolacca) houarti Poppe, 1985, C. (Cymbiolacca) moretonensis Bail & Limpus, 1998 and C. (Cymbiolacca) subelongata Bail & Limpus, 1998. Two new subspecies are distinguished: C. (Cymbiolacca) pulchra flindersi and C. (Cymbiolacca) intruderi rowseorum, while species C. (Cymbiolacca) excelsior Bail & Limpus, 1998 is downgraded to subspecies. The type of C. (Cymbiolacca) pulchra (Sowerby I, 1825) and its type are redefined.

Visaya Supplement 7 - Cerithiopsidae

by Cecalupo & Perugia, 2016, softcover 0.8kg AUD 80.00 (+GST)

Review: The 117-page Visaya Supplement 7 offers a comprehensive review of the Triphoroidea Families Cerithiopsidae and Newtoniellidae. The 4,859 specimens studied were mainly collected in New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands. Aside from producing an in-depth regional monograph, the authors were also able to add 76 new species descriptions, expanding the range of species known to science to 171 total. The beautifully produced publication features glossy high quality printing / imaging. Detailed descriptions and HD illustration of all species on 59 full colour plates (incl. closeup shots of protoconchs), along with images inserted next to each description and many scanning electron microscope (ESEM) images are great for ID work. The Monograph provides a list and table overview of all studied species, as well as detailed information on region (incl. maps), habitats, methodology, systematics and references. Recommended for everyone interested in Microshells.

Visaya Supplement 8 - Triviidae (2)

by Fehse, D., 2017, softcover 1.2kg AUD 105.00 (+GST)

Review: "Contributions to the Knowledge of Triviidae" (same title as Supplement 5) is the 2nd major work in this series by author Dirk Fehse. The 287-page new Visaya Supplement 8 is continuing his work, focusing on species from Tonga, Fiji, Society Islands & Tuamotu Archipelago, Solomons, Vanuatu, Lifou, New Caledonia and the Southwestern Indian Ocean, describing many new taxa. Beautifully illustrated on 104 full colour plates, the publication offers the usual high printing / imaging standard for the series. Descriptions include colour images in the text, regional information and remarks on habitats, methodology, systematics and extensive references.

Visaya Supplement 9 - Marginellidae

by Veldsman, S. G., 2017, softcover 0.5kg AUD 65.00 (+GST)

Review: "Taxonomic Notes and Discussions on the Genus Marginella" is the 72-page Visaya Supplement 9. It offers a comprehensive taxonomic reclassification of the Marginella complex with the creation of  new subgenera and also describing many new species to science. The beautifully produced publication features the usual high quality printing / imaging standard and offers detailed descriptions and HD illustrations of all discussed species on 13 full-colour plates. Recommended for everyone interested in Marginellidae.

Visaya Supplement 10 - Unionidae (Genus Villosa)

by Watters, G. T., 2018, softcover 0.7kg AUD 75.00 (+GST)

Review: "A Preliminary Review of the Nominal Genus Villosa of Freshwater Mussels (Bivalvia, Unionidae) in North America". The 139-page Visaya Supplement 10 offers an in-depth review of the genus. A specialised publication doing a great job of illustrating and describing hard to identify mussels, along with reviewing the taxonomy and describing 76 new species. True Villosa are limited to the extreme southeastern United States. Other nominal Villosa taxa are placed in the new genera Paetulunio, Cambarunio, Leaunio and Sagittunio. Other species are allocated to the existing genera Obovaria and Venustaconcha. The 4,859 specimens studied were mainly collected in New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands and now result in 171 species known to science. Beautifully produced the supplement offers excellent HD imaging on 59 full colour plates (incl. closeup shots of protoconchs). Descriptions include colour images in the text, regional information and remarks on habitats, methodology, systematics and extensive references.

Visaya Supplement 11 - Cerithiopsidae (PNG)

by Cecalupo & Perugia, 2018, softcover 0.85kg AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review: The 187-page 2nd Visaya Supplement on Microshells by author team Cecalupo and Perugia on Cerithiopsidae family focuses on Pacific material from 2 PNG expeditions by the MNHN (PNG 2012 & Kavieng Lagoon 2014). Extending the previous work (Visaya Supplement 7, 2016), the authors identify 184 species, incl. 67 new to science. Another publication featuring HD imaging on 65 full colour plates (incl. many closeup protoconch images) and numerous images in the text descriptions. Excellent closeup photography is a must when attempting to ID Micro-Molluscs. Adding Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) images throughout is another very helpful feature. The Monograph provides a list and table overview of all studied species, as well as detailed information on distribution, incl. maps illustrating 117 new range extensions. Recommended for everyone collecting Microshells.

Visaya Supplement 12 - Cerithiopsidae (Okinawa)

by Cecalupo & Perugia, 2019, softcover 0.4kg AUD 60.00 (+GST)

Review: "New species of Cerithiopsidae and Newtoniellidae from Okinawa (Japan - Pacific Ocean)" continues and extends the authors' previous work (Visaya Supplements 7, 11) with another in-depth 84-page regional monograph on Cerithiopsidae, analysing 848 specimens of the Shouji Tsuzuki collection (2015-2017) and offering 21 new species descriptions. It's once again a ground-breaking work, identifying and illustrating 92 different species in 15 genera on 25 full-colour plates with excellent imaging (incl. closeup shots of protoconchs). All descriptions include helpful colour images in the text, along with regional information and remarks on habitats, methodology and systematics. Recommended for everyone interested in Microshells.

Visaya Supplement 13 - Fissurellidae (Philippines)

by Poppe & Tagaro, 2020, softcover 0.6kg AUD 90.00 (+GST)

Review: "The Fissurellidae from the Philippines with the description of 26 new species" (Pacific Ocean) offers a comprehensive taxonomic update and welcome review of the currently known Fissurellidae from this area. The 131-page regional monograph focuses on species found in new material from recent tangle netting and deep (400m) fishing. A helpful systematic overview in the introductory pages is followed by 26 new descriptions. The review identifies and illustrates over 100 different species on 57 full-colour plates with excellent HD imaging. All species descriptions include helpful additional images in the text, along with regional information and remarks on habitats, methodology and systematics.

Visaya Supplement 14 - Cerithiopsidae (Guadeloupe etc.)

by Cecalupo & Perugia, 2020, softcover 0.5kg AUD 75.00 (+GST)

Review: "Report on the Cerithiopsidae from Guadeloupe, Martinique and French Guiana (Caenogastropoda: Triphoroidea)" continues the authors' previous work on the Cerithiopsidae (Visaya Supplements 7, 11 & 12) with this 103-page regional monograph. Analysing 2168 specimens (expeditions of the MNHN 2012-2016) results in 52 species (32 new to science, newly described here). Another ground-breaking taxonomic review, identifiying and illustrating all currently known species (8 genera) from the region. Descriptions include additional images in the text, along with regional information and remarks on habitats, methodology and systematics, 32 full-colour plates, HD images (incl. helpful closeup shots of tiny protoconchs). Recommended for everyone interested in Microshells.

Visaya Supplement 15 - Amphidromus (Philippines)

by Poppe, 2020, softcover 0.4kg AUD 65.00 (+GST)

Review: An overview of Philippine Amphidromus groups, incl. Amphidromus maculiferus complex, Amphidromus chloris complex, Amphidromus quadrasi complex and the Amphidromus enobaptus complex. New species Amphidromus escondidus is described from Balut Island. The publication documents and discusses the different species and their forms, including excellent HD imaging of new material on 39 full-colour plates. All species descriptions are presented in alphabetical order for easier referencing and include additional text images, along with regional information and remarks on habitats, methodology and systematics.  Recommended for everyone interested in Landsnails.

Visaya Supplement 16 - Little Conoidean Shells (Oman)

by Horro, Gori, Rosado & Rolan, 2021, softcover 0.7kg AUD 80.00 (+GST)

Review: With Visaya Supplement issue 16's full title: "Little Conoidean Shells From Dhofar, Oman - with Description of 35 New Species", the team of authors take a close look at the small Conoidean families (Clathurellidae, Drilliidae, Horaiclavidae, Mangellidae, Mitromorphidae, Pseudomelatomidae and Raphitomidae) collected from the Sultanate of Dhofar, Oman. Along with 35 newly discovered species and a newly described genus, the 76 known species are discussed in detail on 161 pages, including 74 full colour plates of excellent images. All species descriptions are presented in alphabetical order for easier referencing and include additional text images, along with detailed information regarding habitat, diversity, taxonomic updates and revised systematics of the various genera within the subfamilies.

Visaya Supplement 17 - Volutidae of Southern Africa

by Veldsman & Veldsman, 2022, softcover 0.8kg AUD 80.00 (+GST)

Review: Visaya Supplement 17 provides a welcome  "A taxonomic Revision of the Volutidae of Southern Africa, Including the Description of Three New Genera and Several New Species" on 168 pages and 54 excellent full colour plates. Accepting the genera Callioara (5 species) and Simililyria (8 species) along with new descriptions and revising the genus Athleta, discussing the genus Festilyria and including Fusivoluta and Neptuneopsis species, the authors also delimit the areas along the South African coast in view of geographical ranges originally discussed by Veldsman in 2019. A very interesting issue, recommended for Volute collectors.

Visaya Supplement 18 - Living Ericusa

by Mattiske & Hallan, 2024, softcover 0.3kg AUD 72.00 (+GST)

New: Visaya Supplement 18 has 77 pages and 54 full colour plates and is titled: "A Conchological Iconography of the Living Ericusa H. Adams & A. Adams, 1858 (Neogastropoda: Volutidae). It aims to provide an overview of the genus Ericusa with six extant species in this Australian endemic group. The authors account for a wide range of morphotypes and intergrades within the recognised species and lower-level taxa, based on the study of 4000 specimens. A complete list of the numerous synonyms as well as forma and variation names assigned to members of this genus throughout its taxonomic history is provided, incl. those that are not taxonomically relevant. A nice new Visaya Supplement of particular interest for Volutidae collectors.

Visaya Supplement 19 - Costellariidae from Mozambique

by Salisbury & Gori, 2024, softcover 0.4kg AUD 78.00 (+GST)

New: Visaya Supplement 19 is sub-titled: "With the Description of 10 new Indo-Pacific Species". This beautifully illustrated publication lists all identified Costellariidae from Mozambique and describes 10 brand new taxa. Type locality of Thala adamsi and Mitra clathrata are defined. A neotype for Voluta mucronata is selected and Mitra nigricans has been renamed Vexillum nigripulchrum. Type locality for Mitra praetexta is designated. New taxa include: Austromitra mozambiquensis n. sp., Tosapusia kantori n. sp., Vexillum aideni n. sp., Vexillum anapaulae n. sp., Vexillum delstonei n. sp., Vexillum horroi n. sp., Vexillum kedrici n. sp., Vexillum nampulaensis n. sp., Vexillum rodriguesi n. sp., Vexillum romanii n. sp.. Recommended for Mitridae collectors.


The Family Pectinidae (12)

by Raines & Poppe, 2006, A4 loose leaf format, 6kg AUD 230.00 (+GST)

Review: The definitive guide book on Pectens. Comprehensively describes & lavishly illustrates (722 pages, 6kg!) all known Pectens / Scallops. Includes a new ID determination tool designed to ease ID work and over 320 excellent full colour plates. Over 2000 specimens are beautifully photographed for easy comparison. More than 1600 additional drawings and b/w photos accompany 402 pages of text that also show 242 location maps. A top quality book for just a small group of worldwide collectors is an amazing effort that has resulted in a truly superb publication for any shell enthusiast. This would make an outstanding addition to any general seashell library. Note: Designed to fit in 2 separate binders to view text (Part 1) and plates (Part 2) side-by-side for easy referencing. (RRP: $ 540.00)

The Family Buccinidae (14)

by Fraussen & Terryn, 2007, A4 format 1.8kg AUD 190.00 (+GST)

Review: A substantial 164-page Guide to Buccinidae / Genus Neptunea addition to the Iconography series. The excellent imaging on 154 superb, full colour plates and high print quality of the Iconography series manage to impress as usual. The authors have included a thorough and detailed taxonomic review of Buccinidae, incl. 2 tables, 66 distribution maps and approx. 160 further additional illustrations throughout the text. An essential publication for collectors with special interest in Buccinidae and a great addition to any general seashell library.

The Family Tonnidae (13)

by Vos & Terryn, 2007, A4 format 1.4kg AUD 85.00 (+GST)

Review:  A comprehensive 123-page addtion to the Iconography series on Tonnidae, with text by Chris Vos and impressive photograpy on 63 superb full colour plates. Offering a thorough revision of Tonna taxonomy, the description of a new species plus Alan Beu's contributing article on fossil Tonnidae. Many further additional illustrations throughout the text, 33 distribution maps and a 2-page full colour quick determination tool complete the comprehensive overview of this highly collectible seashell family, making this a must-have publication for the Tonnidae collector and great addition to all seashell libraries.

The Family Conidae - The South African Species (15)

by Tenorio & Monteiro, 2008, A4 format 0.9kg AUD 90.00 (+GST)

Review: Part 2 of the Iconography series entirely dedicated to Cones - this one deals with the interesting Conidae from South Africa. It contains 47 pages of text and 60 superb colour plates plus 29 additional drawings, showing one typical specimen per species in magnificent detail - both ventral and dorsal view. Additional information includes a systematic list, bibliography & alphabetical index sections, a list of taxa with detailed comments and descriptions of the animal, shell, synonymy, habitat, biology & distribution (incl. maps). A must-have for Cone collectors..

The Family Conidae - The West African Species (10)

by Monteiro, Tenorio & Poppe, 2004, A4 format 2.4kg AUD 170.00 (+GST)

Review: Part 1 of the Iconography series on Conidae contains 102 pages of text and illustrates approx. 1300 individual shells on 164 superb colour plates and 64 additional drawings, showing one typical specimen per species in both ventral and dorsal view. Nearly 100 mostly endemic species/ssp. from areas like Cape Verde Islands, Angola, Senegal and Guinea are discussed in detail. Additional info includes a systematic list of taxa with detailed comments and descriptions of the animal, shell, synonymy, habitat, biology & distribution (incl. maps), bibliography & alphabetical index sections. Four colour plates focus solely on quick reference and determination, providing a useful ID tool for the Conidae collector.

The Family Conidae - The Cones of the Eastern Pacific (18)

by Conchbooks, 2012, A4 format 2.4kg AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review: Part 3 of the Iconography series on Conidae deals with the eastern Pacific Conilithidae and Conidae. Following a similar formatting style as the 2 previous special editions on Conidae, this Iconography also illustrates all species on superb colour plates, supported by numerous additional drawings. ID work is much helped by showing one typical specimen per species in both ventral and dorsal view and descriptions are supplemented with additional locality and habitat information wherever possible. Additional information includes a systematic list, bibliography & alphabetical index sections, a list of taxa with detailed comments and descriptions of the animal, shell, synonymy, habitat, biology & distribution (incl. maps). Once again a beautiful and useful guide book for all Cone lovers.

The Family Haliotidae (4)

by Geiger & Poppe, 2000, A4 format 1.7kg AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review: A substantial 135-page publication with descriptions and identifications, including 83 superb full colour plates suitable for ID work. Showing 65 living species and subspecies of the genus Haliotis actually known to live worldwide, the book provides information on biology, distribution, anatomy, taxonomy and systematics. Additional information includes an extensive 22-page bibliography. This is a must-have publication for researchers, abalone-farmers and conchologists interested in the Abalone family.

The Family Turbinidae Part 1 (8)

by Alf & Kreipl & Poppe, 2003, A4 format, 1.4kg AUD 60.00 (+GST)

Review: The first part of the Iconography series on the family of marine Turban shells, covers on 68-pages the extensive genus of Lunella and Turbo, including all recent 66 species and 5 subspecies in 16 subgenera. Each species is described in great detail, supported by numerous b/w drawings throughout the text. All described species are beautifully illustrated on 95 superb full colour plates. Additional information provided: Type localities, distribution, biology, habitat and size range, scientific index and bibliograpy sections.

The Family Turbinidae - Turbininae Part 2 (17)

by Alf & Kreipl, 2011, A4 format, 1.2kg AUD 125.00 (+GST)

Review: Part 2 of the Iconography series on Turban Shells provides a comprehensive overview of the species that were not included in the first part (published 2003) - i.e. the subfamily Turbininae - with genera Astralium, Astraea, Cookia, Bellastrea, Bolma, Guildfordia, Modelia, Megastrea, Pomaulax, Lithopoma and Uvanilla - and the subfamily Prisogasterinae, with the additional possibility of yet another as yet unnamed subfamily that includes the genus Anadema. Each species is described in great detail, with many b/w drawings in the text and 141 superb full colour plates. Additional information provided: Type localities, distribution, biology, habitat and size range, scientific index and bibliograpy sections.

The Family Turbinidae (Supplement) Update to Part 1

by Alf & Kreipl, 2011, A4 format, 0.2kg AUD 11.00 (+GST)

Review: Offering 4 additional pages of text, incl. 6 drawings and 8 full sized colour plates, this is the first update to the Conchological Iconography on the family Turbinidae - Part 1 since its publication in 2003. Including a revision and all new additions to taxonomy as of 2011, plus superb new illustrations to easily update the first book, with pages numbered to integrate where appropriate.

The Recent Volutidae (5)

by Bail & Poppe, 2001, A4 format 0.5kg AUD 25.00 (+GST)

Review: Part 1 of the Iconography series on Volutidae introduces the recently described Volutes by the world's expert researchers on Volutes. On 30 pages and 5 superb colour plates, the authors present a current overview of systematics and taxonomy of the family Volutidae, including all recent species, subspecies, forms and variations. Included are descriptions and definitions of several new subgenera and tribes. A must-have addition to every Volute collector's library.

The Genus Amoria (6)

by Bail & Limpus & Poppe, 2001, A4 format 1.3kg AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review: Part 2 of the Iconography series on Volutidae introduces the variable Australian genus of Amoria. Illustrating on 93 full colour plates all 29 species and subspecies, as well as many named forms, several of the taxa are new to science and introduced for the first time. The images show living animals in their natural habitat and every variation and collectable form, offering a clear determination tool in distinguishing similar taxa. Also provides information on types and type localities, distribution, biology, habitat and size range.

The Tribe Lyriini (9)

by Bail & Poppe, 2004, A4 format 1.3kg AUD 80.00 (+GST)

Review: Part 3 of the Iconography series on Volutidae, this 93-page book specialising on Lyriini includes all known recently described Volutes of the genera Lyria, Callipara, Harpulina, Enaeta and Leptoscapha. On 68 superb colour plates, a total of 64 species and subspecies are illustrated, including 5 species which are new to science and several other previously undescribed species. The text includes detailed information on variations, types and type localities, distribution, biology, habitat and size range.

The Recent Volutes Of New Zealand (11)

by Bail & Limpus, 2005, A4 format 1.1kg AUD 110.00 (+GST)

Review: Part 4 of the Iconography series on Volutidae introduces a most welcome full revision of the New Zealand Volutes. Shell collectors and experts alike will be pleased to see a much-needed revision of the Genus Alcithoe H. & A. Adams, 1853 - now available in print with this Iconography as well. Continuing the usual superb quality of the series, 73 pages of text and descriptions are accompanied by 62 impressive full colour plates. Additional information includes many additional b/w illustrations and distribution maps throughout the text, an alphabetical scientific name index and extensive bibliography.

The Family Volutidae - Fulgorariinae (16)

by Bail & Chino, 2010, A4 format 1.1kg AUD 105.00 (+GST)

Review: Part 5 of the Iconography series on Volutidae. With 74 pages and 64 excellent full colour plates, it's another great addition to the series for Volute collectors. Subtitled 'The endemic Far East Asia family Fulgorariinae Pilsbry & Olson, 1954', it is a comprehensive revision of the recent species, incl. detailed info on variations, types and their localities, distribution, biology, habitat and size range. As usual, the book is lavishly and excellently illustrated, enabling advanced comparison and ID work. Additional information includes many additional b/w illustrations and distribution maps throughout the text, alphabetical scientific name index and extensive bibliography.

The Family Acavidae (7)

by Groh & Poppe & Charles, 2002, A4 format 0.9kg AUD 95.00 (+GST)

Review: Part 1 of the Iconography on Landsnails illustrates on 69 pages and 44 colour plates a total of 54 species, subspecies and forms of the genera Acavus and Oligospira from Sri Lanka, Stylodonta from the Seychelles and Clavator, Paraclavator n. gen., Embetoniphanta n. gen., Helicophanta and Eurystyla from Africa, Madagascar. Two new genera and three subgenera are newly described. Includes descriptions, synonyms and data on type material, geographical range, 40 individual maps and remarks on habitat and biology. Supplemented by: Part 2 The Family Acavidae - Genus Ampelita by Groh & Poppe.

The Family Strombidae (2)

by Kreipl et al, 1999, A4 format 1.5kg AUD 105.00 (+GST)

Review: This large first part of the Iconography series on Strombidae by the author team Kreipl, Poppe, Man in't Veld & D Turck describes all recent worldwide species of the genera Tibia (14 species and forms), Terebellum (1 species with 3 forms), Lambis (14 species, subspecies and forms) and Strombus (95 species, subspecies and forms). The text is supported by 121 b/w drawings and 130 superb full colour plates, quickly becoming the most useful tool for reference and identification work on this family.

The Superfamily Stromboidea - Addenda and Corrigenda (Supplement)

by Liverani, 2013, A4 format 0.5kg AUD 75.00 (+GST)

Review: A substantial udate to the Conchological Iconography on Strombidae (2), with 54 pages of new text (including b/w photos) and 33 full colour plates. Extending the previous Strombidae Iconography (1999) and designed to integrate. Text and plates are numbered to fit where required in the earlier book. Continuing the idea of being able to update the loose-leaf Iconography series with newly published material works well in a case like this, where a large amount of new material has accumulated since 1999. Containing new discussions on systematics and distributional records, as well as several newly described forms and species. A welcome addition to what has already proved to be a very helpful resource on Strombidae - a must-have for any collector already using the earlier book.

The Family Ficidae (3)

by Poppe & Verhaege, 2000, A4 format 0.5kg AUD 45.00 (+GST)

Review: This 31-page publication is the currently definitive work on Ficidae / Fig Shells, showing on 27 full colour plates all recent species of the genera Ficus (12 species) and Thalassosycon (1 species) in all their variations. Of the widespread Indo-Pacific species the intra-specific variations are shown in detail, providing options for future studies. Four plates with magnified views of the apices and body whorl micro-sculptures enable easier determination, as do additional side views of each species. A truly useful and enjoyable book for reference and identification work for collectors and malacologists.

The Family Harpidae (1)

by Poppe, Brulet & Dance, 1999, A4 format 0.7kg AUD 60.00 (+GST)

Review: This first part of the Iconography series on Harpidae discusses the genera Harpa with 20 species, subspecies and forms, Austroharpa with 5 species and Morum with 26 species, one of which is described new to science. 83 superb full-colour plates illustrate 18 pages of detailed descriptive text. On 4 of the plates, magnified apices of the Morum-species are shown, enabling easier determination of the depicted species. A summary of thumb-nail images for all species is provided on 3 additional ID pages, helping with quick reference and comparison. 



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